About Google Search: Google is considered to be the largest Search Engine dominating over 96% of the website. Globally, people from around 181 countries search for the content and the information is available in about 146 languages. The algorithms created are getting better and faster every day to handle the large search requests being made. The Google Search engineers work on algorithm designs which return timely high quality answers to the questions asked.
The relevant results are ranked higher using algorithms: There are millions of web pages on any particular topic. For example, the search for “The best spas in Phuket” returns 22,100,000 results. Such is the magnitude of the web content. So, it becomes a challenge for refining the results and showing the most appropriate ones. There are more than 200 unique signals on which the algorithms rely. The importance of the website is measured by the number of quality links it makes to the other websites and the number of quality links it gets from the other websites. The straight point is the more important a website is, the more important links it tends to get. This is the basis for the Page ranking.
Evaluation and the testing: Google works to improve the Search. Its analysts, statisticians, and researchers employ various methods to get the algorithms better. An algorithm begins as an idea from the engineer’s mind which is implemented on the test version which generates the result pages. These results are sent to raters who being experts in search results present their views. If the views turn out to be positive, then live experiments are run on very small users which if successful becomes an algorithm and runs on the whole network. Based on various of the experiments, Google in the year 2010 had made 516 improvements to the search term.
Spam fighting: Wherever there are shortcuts, people always try to use them. There are various shortcuts to get to the top of the webpage to trick the search engines. Some of these:
- Shuffling of the keywords: As the search engines mostly rely on keywords for the page ranking, therefore a spammer uses a particular set of keywords again over the page which tricks the search engine to believe that the page is related to that topic even if it is not.
- Paid Links: As the websites worth is understood by the type of links it gets and the type of links it makes. So, some websites pay other websites to get their websites linked to getting good ranking.
- Cloaking: As the Search engine crawlers mainly scan the pages for the links and keywords, therefore a spammer might show different links and keywords to a search bot and contain information on something else. For example, a website selling dog food creates links of exotic destination vacations thus tricking the search engine.
These kinds of pages are all the spam pages. Google estimated that about a million spam pages are created in an hour worldwide. Thus, the relevant results get buried down under more unnecessary results. Google over the years has evolved various techniques to fight these spam and provide right results. These were some of the unknown facts about Google.
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