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Halo Spartan Assault windows 8 / 10 App – Play Strategy Game

Halo: Spartan Assault is a fantastic strategy gaming app. A mini version of Halo Spartan Assault i.e the original Game has also been brought upon in Windows 8. It is someway a similar game to that of Halo Spartan Ops. This game is a top-down third-person shooting video game. Spartan Assault is launched somewhat in between Halo 3 and Halo 4. All you have to do in this game is to control the human soldiers Edward Davis and Sarah Palmer as they take part in a violent struggle the alien Covenant. The game released with 25 single-player missions, with more part of this game was added later. The original game is Xbox enabled which consists of many achievements to be won by the Players.

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The interface of this game has been designed in a very attractive manner so that it looks pretty cool while users are playing this game.

Spartan Assault, Windows 8 App

A link has been provided at the last of this article from where you can access Halo Spartan Assault Windows 8 app.

How to play Halo Spartan Assault Game on Windows 8

This is basically a shooting game where players view the gameplay from an overhead top-down perspective. While playing this game you will have your own character which you have to control while playing this app. You can control the movements of your character using the Joystick or a combination of Keyboard and Mouse.

For the Users having Joystick: Left Stick is there to control movement and the right stick to control the direction of the character’s fire.

For the Users having Keyboard and Mouse: Mouse can be used for getting the direction of your character and keyboard for controlling the movement.

This game has enabled Xbox 360 along with it. The Gameplay of this game has been written below:

Game play of Halo Spartan Assault App

The story of this game is basically based on a science fiction that remarks on the events of Halo between 2553 and 2557. In Halo 3 event, UNSC and Covenant make a deal over ceasefire because of which early spartan ops fought against the Covenant alien species which leads to various conflicts among the human and covenant. This game has been designed from the perspective of two commanders who are Sarah Palmer and Spartan Davis. You can play this game choosing any one of them as your player.

Whether you choose Palmer or Davis, your commander will be put down on Draetheus planet where some covenant will attack you as they have turned down the ceasefire. They are fighting for the planet because they think that the moon of this planet is a good place for forerunner weapon. But, as soon as they begin to activate the weapon, the planet would start tearing apart leaving the covenant no choice other than to leave it on their ships. The two commanders have different roles to play.

  1. Spartan Davis: He sacrifices his life so that the other left UNSC evacuate easily in the remaining time.
  2. Spartan Palmer: He finds out the covenant leader Merg. After, then he kills him and sabotaging the forerunner weapon he escapes the planet.

Key Features of Halo Spartan Assault Windows 8 App

  1. Consists of 30 action-packed levels with a brand new Halo story set just before the events of Halo 4.
  2. Supports keyboard/mouse and USB Xbox controller support.
  3. Earn the experience point while playing this game.
  4. To enhance your career in this game, unlock all the emblems.
  5. Could go for weekly challenges as well to earn the XP.
  6. Give Challenge to your friends and complete theirs to be in the leaderboard.
  7. Different types of weapons, vehicles and armor abilities are present here.
  8. You can create a perfect spartan warrior by customizing it.


Halo Spartan Assault is a nice strategy game that you can play with proper strategy. It comes with good graphics along with simple controls for touch screen and micro-transaction systems which received less positive reviews. Overall, this is a good gaming app to try upon.

Get this App here

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