All want to know the current weather condition and forecast of their locations in the easiest possible way. Currently, in the age of technology, Operating Systems are endeavoring to provide feature to users so that they can have the information at fingertips. Windows 10, in a similar way, facilitates News & feature tool that allows you to see cards for Weather reports, top stories, and traffic updates. Clicking the Weather card allows you to see 10 day forecast, hourly temperature, and map view of the info.
Furthermore, you find some useful suggestions to get updated with every single occurrence and incident of a day. As News and Interests on Windows 10 taskbar appears at first sight after PC startup so adding weather card will aware you of cloud, snowfall, rain, storm, and other sudden changes in quickest mode.
Show Weather Card in News and Interests Feed in Windows 10
Here is how to hide and show Weather Card in News and Interests Feed in Windows 10 –
- Hover or click on the icon for News and interests located on the taskbar.
- If you want to disable then click on the 3 dots Hamberger from the “weather card”.
- Select – Hide Weather card.
- When you want to enable Weather card News and Interests Feed then click – More settings.
- If you are customizing the feature first time you will be asked to choose a browser to launch the Settings. Simply, select – Microsoft Edge.
- The browser will show Experience Settings for News and interests.
- Toggle the switch for – Show Weather card in my feed.
- Now, open News and Interests and click on Refresh feed icon from the top.
Bonus tips
- Click this link to go to Language & content Settings page of New and Interests on Microsoft Edge.
- From here, you can directly disable and enable weather card.
- Moreover, you can change the visibility of other cards such as Finance, Sports, and traffic on the Windows 10 taskbar from this page.
That’s all!!