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How can you get a Passport Online

Issuance of Passport is executive exercise of Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) in Indian Territory. 77 such Passport Seva Kendra are indulging to meet with the expectation of Passport Seekers. Important city in each state has one or two Passport Seva Kendra for garnering the acceptance of passport seekers. Process of obtaining passport starts with applying Online or offline way. Though, manual applying takes more time than Online applying.  So, does many more turn into this fold.
Anyone looking to get Online application for will have to en route to Web portal of Ministry of External Affairs Govt. of India or follow below link: –

Passport Seva India

During filling information capital letters to be used. Wrong information putted into applications would be intended to rejections of the registration request. After submission of Online Registration information related to save / open of your applications to be appeared. Take print out of the application (if not able to take print at this point of time, you must note done application number and generate applications later on).  Fill all information manually by using Blue / Black ink ball pen. Don’t write anything outside boxes and avoid over writing as well.

Two copies of each self attested documents  mentioned below to be accompanied with duly filled applications: –

1. Address Proof ( Election ID Card, Gas Connection Bill, Ration Card, Water / Telephone / Electricity Bill, Statement of Running Bank Account / Income Tax Assessment Order, Parents Passport copy (in case applying for Minors).

2. Date of Birth Proof

3. Citizenship Document

4. Identity Certificate if applicants are employees of Govt. / PSU / Statutory body

Along with filled applications and enclose appropriate documents substantial amount to be enclosed for obtaining the passport at the first time. Someone applying for the first time to obtain the passport will have to remit Rs. 1000/- in shape of DD or Cash. DD is required to issued from any nationalized bank in favour of ‘Concerned Passport Officer’. Minor (below 18 years of age) will have to deposit Rs. 600/- as application fee.

As far as validity concern, Newly issued passport would be valid for 10 years period in general cases. Validity period would be reduced by 05 years or till attainment of 18 years for Minor.

At last visit nearest Passport Seva Kendra along with above shown documents, as per day of an appointment, whichever would be given after submission of Online registration.

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