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How to Add or Remove Programs in Startup in Windows 8

In Windows 8, the Startup feature is used to run special programs automatically during desktop loading. An Advantage of Startup feature in Windows 8 is that you can launch your favorite program without choosing it from either metro apps screen or desktop icons.

How to Add or Remove Programs in Startup in Windows 8 is such a question, which is commonly asked? To solve a query like this I am putting a step-wise solution underneath.

Add or Remove Programs in Startup in Windows 8

First method 

  • Suppose, you have decided to add Internet Explorer in windows startup lists, then at first, you have to create the shortcut of Internet Explorer to the desktop.
  • Browse your computer C drive and Open Programs Files.
  • Now, Click on Internet Explorer folder. Here, you have to choose Shortcut.
  • Right click on this shortcut, choose Send to from the drop down and select Desktop (create shortcut).
  • Internet explorer shortcut is displaying on your desktop screen.
 Add or Remove Programs in Startup in Windows 8
windows 8 Internet explorer shortcut
Second Step – 
  • Open RUN and type Shell:startup in blank box and press OK button

run box showing start up command

  • Now Startup folder window is appearing on the computer screen. Move or drag Internet Explorer shortcut and add in startup list.

 Add or Remove Programs in Startup in Windows 8  Add or Remove Programs in Startup in Windows 8

Now Windows 8 will run internet explorer automatically whenever you will start your computer.

Remarks –  you can add another important program or system tool shortcut in windows startup too, for example – Google Chrome, Antivirus, Control panel and several more.

Remove Startup Programs from startup folder

If you want to remove anyone startup program shortcut from startup lists. open Startup folder through above given the same process and delete the shortcut after selecting it.


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