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How to create a Facebook Page Step by Step

facebook login page loginThese days Facebook has become a status symbol. It is a requirement of modern era to be on Facebook. Because this is the medium through which you can share your thoughts, photo and other matters. Anyone can talk to his friend who is very far from him. This is the best advantage of the Facebook.


Now here, today I will tell you how to create a Facebook page.

Facebook page is mostly considered as a Fan-page. This is the page where celebrities like Sachin ,Dhoni ,Amitabh Bachchan, share their photos and these photo are followed by their a large no. of fans. Facebook page is important in this view that it shows up high in search engine. You can make a lot of fans with the help of Facebook page.

Now come to point how to make a Facebook page.

At first you should have an account on Facebook. If you don’t have a Facebook account you have to go on Facebook sign up page and create an account. When you open your Facebook account, your profile page will open. In this profile page in left side, below the profile image, there are many icons. In these icons at last, an icon titled with pages will appear there. In this pages titled icon, has two sub-title named like pages and create a page. This create a page title creates the Facebook page. This is the first step.  After clicking on create a page a dialogue page will show which contain six categories of profession and you have to select the best one for yourself. Selecting the category a drop box comes in which you have to feed the right category and type your profession name (it should be spelled correctly because it will be permanent). Now only click on I agree button your Facebook page is ready. You can modify your Facebook page in future.

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