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How to Encrypt Android Phone without additional Software

Smart phones likes of ‘Android’ has lots of built-in features to perform a variety of tasks. Users possessing Android phones are being vocal about its functioning. Their believes match with imaginations, when they know the method of using ‘Android’ efficiently. But ignorance about encryption leaves Android users in a doubtful state. The particular article leads you to ‘how to activate built-in functioning of Encryption’.
As you know Encryption is the act to protect valuable data from unauthorized access. To encrypt smart phones data many applications are developed. After installing such encryption application you may stay protected from unauthorized access. But, Android Phone has built-in features to encrypt phone data. Means you may encrypt Android phone data without using any additional applications. Now I am discussing method of Encryption of Android Phones.
Before enabling of Encryption feature, you should be sure about ‘charging condition of Phones’. If devices are fully charged then proceed in such ways.

  • At first unlock devices then after take complete backup of you SD card into computer system.
  • After taken backup, open Android settings and navigate ‘Storage’ location
  • Here you will see option of both encryption of Phone storage and SD Card storage. You may go ahead and encrypt them one by one.
  • After completion of encryption restart your Android devices then after restores your data.

Note: Once you choose encryption option, there is no backing system available to avoid encryption process. Thus, it is better to keep you phones in flight mode and don’t touch till encryption process completed.

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