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How to Fix high CPU Usage Problem on Windows 8 PC Step by Step

You feel your windows 8 system becomes slowdown due to high CPU usage. This type of problem creates during playing a flash game. Actually, several flash games load with high graphics resolution that uses more CPU resources. But sometimes there are other definite causes that consume high CPU usage. It may be outdated system driver problems or etc. Keep in mind that due to high CPU usage regularly, your windows 8 system can overheat and the cause of harming other integrated components (RAM, Hard disk, Motherboard) or other serious problems in the system.

If you are also getting the same kind of issues on your Windows 8 PC then follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned at the bottom to fix the issue.

  • At first, launch the flash games on the other windows 8 PC to find the reasons for the same issues. If the same issues are not noticed on the other system then the main reason refers to your system hardware or other components.
  • Now, check whether the same problem is running or not while you are not playing other flash games. If so, then it might be the motherboard built-in video card or external graphics card problem. In this condition, you have better options to update the graphics or video card driver to its most recent version.
  • If not, then check the current temperature of your windows 8 PC CPU. Because, due to high CPU temperature, it can also overheat your PC and can damage the other components. So contact your device’s manufacturer to cover the warranty or replace the damaged internal hardware components to reduce the CPU usage.
  • Stop running unused windows apps or programs at a time because it also increases the CPU usage.

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