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How to prepare for Google Author Rank for getting Jump

Every website owner, every blog writer wants to get only one thing, a good rank. Hailed as one of the greatest things which is coming, the Google author rank is authoritative measurement of the people writing content on the blogs and the websites. Now along with the domain name which usually had been the basis for the ranking of the websites on Google, the authority of the writer is also considered.

The reputation of the author is now considered a new method of page ranking. There had been various discussions forums of how to rank the websites better and improving of the search qualities. A new way has been proposed by Google which links the searches to the digital content of the authors and the agents.

The author rank which has now been passed is based on the social media which makes the identity of the author more transparent. An author needs to create his profile on Google Plus. Then, the Google provides the author with a code with which he links the profile and the written content. The necessity of providing this code is the inclusion of the backlinks to the profiles of other authors on the Google Plus. Along with the page rank, Google will also utilize certain signals to determine the importance. These factors would include the importance of the article and how frequently is it engaged mean the comments and the conversations going on it. It should be understood that the more the author writes on a particular topic, the more is his chances of getting a good page rank.

The web surfer can visit the profile of the author where different contents written by the author is highlighted. The Google author rank and the circles will also be highlighted which would show his popularity along with his photograph. The various basis on which the ranking would be made are as follows:

  • The people present in the circles and the online followers. The more are these, the better is the ranking.
  • Social media activities which would include likes, shares, tweets, comments and others.
  • The engagement of the author with the comment makers and the quality of the comments.
  • The quality and the consistency of the links to the contents of the author.
  • The magnitude of the people making comments online on a particular moment and engaging into a conversation.
  • The domain and the website authority of the author.

So, we can see that the image of the author is becoming more and more transparent and the content is being accessed in more popular and sophisticated ways.

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