Speed Post / Express Parcel, the quickest postal delivery. It is well Known fact neither of any quick postal means could take the consolidated position of Speed Post or Express Parcel.
After applying services of Speed Post or Express Parcel in the postal department in India delivering of Postal timing reduce dramatically. The indispensable postal means links more than 1200 Indian Towns. Providing service with sheer pace, Indian Post has more than 290 centers in National Network and around 1000 centres in State Network.
EMS Speed Post and Express Parcel of India Post has maintained the status of better postal delivering since inception. A Rare instance of failing or delaying postal service of Speed Post and Express Parcel comes into the public domain. So, users have much more affection to these hi-tech services. Have you ever imagine about system functioning and tracing the moment of Speed Post. As mentioned earlier that a full pledge postal network is behind of functioning and as far as the concern of Tracing moment delivery system of Speed Post or Express Parcel; it could be done after following India Post website. By taking successive steps as mentioned below you will be able to Track Speed Post and Express Parcel online.
Another Useful Posts:
How to Track Speed Post / Express Parcel Online
1. What to do to track delivery status of Speed Post / Express Mail online
Moving status of Speed Post / Express Parcel would be traced after log on to web address of India Post, whichever provided below.
As soon as we log on to the above website a web page of Article Tracking displays. Users have to put 13 digits Item No. and after then click on to Track button.
All action related to tracking article could be done easily by following step by step graphical representation: –
- Click the web address of http://www.indiapost.gov.in/articleTracking.aspx and hit enter button then webpage will be opened as below. Now enter 13 digits item No.

- Click on to Track button

2. Track any Consignment
Besides you Track Speed post now you can get the updated information for the consignments whether it is Express Parcel, Packets and several more things anytime when you are online. See the list what you can track:
a. Speed Post
b. Registered Letter
c. Insured Letter
d. Value Payable Letter
e. Insured Value Payable Letter
f. Registered Packets
g. Registered Periodicals
h. Registered Parcel
i. Insured Parcel
j. Value Payable Parcel
k. Insured Value Payable Parcel
l. Business Parcel
m. Business Parcel COD
n. Express Parcel
o. Express Parcel COD
p. Electronic Money Order (e-MO)
To track these consignments click the link – Indiapost
- You will see a page like the image below. Write your consignment number type the verification code and click Go
3. Register Complaints Problems regarding Speed post
If you face any issue regarding the items sent via postal department you can lodge complaints.
Click this link to complaints: Indiapost 2
Write the details of the issues and click Submit.
my cheque book has been dispatched through speedpost with docket no: EX406840738 on May 23, 2018
but didnt recieve yet
Hey I’m trying to track a package tracking number EA419144152IN in can someone tell me what’s going on with it
EM918516899IN Consignment details not found…worst service….not able to track my shipping details
ETET889331515IN my consignment number.I still did not receive my speed post till now. it has been three months. there are my loan papers sent by the bank.
I Request the higher authorities to check this problem as early as possible.it is a must for me before a week.
EN 180074055 IN : Consignment details not found. It has been six months,status is showing same. I HAVE NOT RECEIVED MY COURIER.It is not good service .It is worst than anything.Unnecessarily gov is waiting money by paying salary to these people.
I am not able to accessories sent on 22.10.2015 tracking no EK023637864IN Tracking my order on the website always gives the same result..(Consignment details not Found)
Please help me out.
Sir/ Ma’am,
I’m trying to track my consignment. But is is showing “Consignment details not Found” . The Documents are important to me, would you able help to track it down the details. My Tracking ID is RL827864302IN. Please help me
Why it is showing that the account is disabled during online tracking of my speed post?
Hey I’m trying to track a package tracking number Pp837959035in can someone tell me what’s going on with it
May be server down that time. Check once more.
I could not able to track my Aadhar card POSTAL status through the (http://services.ptcmysore.gov.in/Speednettracking/Track/UIDTrack.aspx) website which its showing me run time error like “Server Error in ‘/SpeedNetTracking’ Application.” and also not allowing to paste my aadhar number.
Waiting for positive reply.
CY120541665IN sir 16/04/15 ko dispetch hua abhi tak nahi mila track report send karo
I am not able to accessories sent on 31.03.15 tracking no CY120278431IN Tracking my order on the website always gives the same result..(Consignment details not Found)
I am not able to track my CBSE compartment form which I had sent it on 19/09/14.
Tracking my order on the website always gives the same result..(
Consignment details not Found)
How can I know that my form is submitted. Please help!
I’ve been trying to track the whereabouts of my consignment (ED1801024541N) which is dispatched on 26 june 2014, ‘Consignment details not found’.
Please help me regard this.
I’ve been trying to track the details of my consignment (RP380279341IN). I sent it on 18th September, 2014. It has been more than a week now, but still the consignment tracking details are not available on the website.
Can you tell me when the details will be uploaded on the website? Whenever I try to track the post this error appears – ‘Consignment details not found’.
Please update me on this as soon as possible.
Enough time. But you will have to still wait.
Will you please tell me how much a speed post takes time to send a document courier to Canada?? As it’s almost 8 days and its showing me en route to Canada from last 6 days. does a flight takes 6 days to reach to Canada??
It seems that now Server is down. Try another time.
I am not able to open the page after entering the tracking number.What should I do?
I’ve been trying to track the whereabouts of my consignment (EW203941683IN). I sent it on 11th May, 2013. I know it has been less than 24 hours since I put it on the counter, but still the consignment tracking details are supposed to be on the website, isn’t it sir? Can you tell me when the details will be uploaded on the website? Whenever I try to track the speed post this error appears – ‘Consignment details not found’.
My parcel hasn’t arrived yet. The first expected parcel arrived on time. However, the second one which was a week later being sent hasn’t arrived up until now. I find it weird.
Inter proper item number. I have tracked so many items with this.
I can’t track Express Parcel india post.
Track number is XL025527645IN
Please help me…
Reply to speed post complaints need to much faster than physical delivery of article being electronic device. I had lodged complaint for non receipt speed post document EM373602716IN to precipitant or back to source since 16/01/2013 to date. I had contacted and given complaint on Telephone to Expected delivery post office i.e. Motilalnagar (Goregaon West)400104, telephone 02228720391, booking post office Deccan Pune 411004 telephone 02025670939, GPO Pune telephone 02026121570,1528.
I had good repose at Lokmanya Nagar Serice (public relation) Post Office Pune 411030 when I meet on 05/03/2013. I got print out from for tracking up to 06/02/2013 from them. Thanks to them.My document is important document and non delivery will penalise heavily to me due to closer of financial year. D. K. Latkar 09869471841