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How to use Facebook Graph Search for Website – Key Tips

The Facebook Graph search was the most striking feature introduced at the beginning of this year. It allows integrating the information better to view a website.
Facebook Graph search is proved helpful to everyone, ranging from individual websites to big enterprises having their profiles on Facebook. This feature has allowed Facebook to show information much more relevant for a user. Let us have a quick look at some of the tips which we can follow to optimize our website for Facebook Graph search:

Optimizing your Website Facebook Page:

  • If you have a Website and want to reach out to the audience, you will require a Facebook page. This page should have complete information of your website. Having a good content with good amount of images will make the page more informative.
  • The Website name should be same as the vanity URL of the Facebook page. The keywords play a major role in showing up a page. So use the keywords which are frequently searched for.
  • The About section should be richly filled with the keywords frequently searched for. The name, category and the information about the Website should be clearly mentioned. This will make the context easier for the user to understand.
  • The physical location of your website should be included and should always be updated frequently if you keep on changing your base. This will make people find you if you are nearby and popular.
  • Fan base is what makes anyone feel important, and for a website, it is an utmost requirement. You  should always encourage your visitors to get more likes on your page. This will get you more traffic.

Note: The previous point is very important as Facebook stressed on the fact that it will include the pages in its searches with the most number of quality likes.

  • Getting a good fan base, you have to put in an initial investment. You have to give  a good amount of information. This will allow you to get more visitor and a good amount of repeating visitors.
  • Competitions are getting a much addicted factor for the Facebook users. So, holding good accomplishable competitions will allow you to get a good number of visitors.
  • Encourage your users to for personal interests to drive likes.
  • The more entertaining the content in the posts are, the more they will appeal to the users. So you can use the genre of humor or comedy to post good comments. This will only get you more likes.
  • Good photos will surely get good amount of shares which will make your page spread virally over the traffic.
  • You should have a correct timing to post on your profile otherwise if you frequently keep on posting to get a good amount of likes, you might be considered as a spammer. So leveraging your own network is very important to prove that you are not a spammer.

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