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How to use Wallet in Windows Phone 8 / WP8

Windows Phone 8 has come with spectacular Windows Phone Wallet application. As Wallet app offers all similar stuff as you did with actual wallet. However, Wallet App is more secure than conventional Wallet, on the view of keeping Digital information of Credit Cards, Coupons, and Payment matters.

The Wallet App lets you to do plenty of monetary activities on your Windows Phone 8. Having Wallet App on Windows Phone 8 (WP8), ” you could easily manage activities like:  Collecting Credit Cards / Loyalty Cards / Coupons / Memberships etc. You could make transactions and manage payment instruments with ease. The Wallet app offers to choose either of payment method as Debit / Credit Card or PayPal Account for making payment of any contingency. Now, I am about to derive method of using Wallet application on Windows Phone 8 (WP8).

As Wallet app is available in your Windows Phone 8. You may open it after navigating app list. At first add related items in your Wallet, as: Credit / Debit Card, PayPal Account, Microsoft Gift Cards or other necessary accounts. You may manually add above items after pressing + symbol.

Whether your bank or card issuer has such application that compatible to Wallet for Windows Phone 8, install it then open. After Signing in with existing account your card will be added to Windows Phone 8 Wallet. Now, you can access your existing account information such as balance and transaction history from Wallet app.

While every Windows Phone 8 (WP8) has Wallet hub but not many support NFC function, which is essential to make contactless transaction. You may check this NFC supportive application at location of Wallet Settings. At present rare mobile operators offer NFC supportive features.

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