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How to improve Website Traffic – Paid Theme Vs Free Theme

WHAT TO PREFER – A PREMIUM THEME OR A FREE THEME – Who would like to go with the novices or people new to a particular field when experts in that field are already present? Coding and designing a free theme are done by those who are new to these fields. But, the premium ones are always designed by experts who are actually professionals. This is the reason why regular blogger like to take challenges and go for premium themes. Some of the premium themes include: Thesis from diythemes, Elegant themes, etc. Let us look at some of the advantages of this:

  • Optimization of the search engines: The advantages of those themes designed by experts or professionals are that they are errorless or rather having fewer errors and are very Friendly with the Search Engines. They also help a lot in improving the search engine results by providing many options such as No-follow, No Index content or Links.
  • Less Coding: The advanced type of users may customize the Admin Panel according to their needs but for the novices, every bit of the theme can be controlled from the Built in intact panel without writing any extra line of codes.
  • The style classes are rich: some CSS classes are provided by the Thesis which can be used in the posts or pages which makes the content scanning easier for surfers.
  • Plugins are less: The most important added advantage in the thesis is the fewer requirements of the plug ins for the theme assistance. For example in free themes the footer.php needs to be edited for adding Google analytics to the WordPress,  but in thesis it can be directly added to the Thesis Admin panel.
  • Up-gradation is easy: There is an inbuilt folder called Custom or rather Custom-sample which can be easily upgraded to the theme. The customizations remain intact after even after the up-gradation of the theme to the newer versions.
  • Skins: Many skins can be downloaded for free or the premium skins can be bought from developers like Blogskin Theme which can be used in Thesis to customize the WordPress with the custom themes.

So, now it can be understood why premium themes are more appropriate than a free theme. Hope, this article helped you a lot in better blogging and SEO.

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