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Things to know just after installing WordPress for your website

A dream comes to place when a webmaster starts his blog. He chooses blogging platform after a lot calculation. But, when he decides to choose WordPress, many matters are solved automatically. Really WordPress is an awesome blogging platform. But, after completion of  installation of Wordprss some things are yet to be done. One must be careful about your website as danger of hacking and misusing always remain. So, you are needed to customize a wordpress website so that it may travel smoothly.

  • The Default Image Upload folder should be changed. All the images are stored in the wp-content/uploads folder during the default installation. A different folder or a sub – domain can be created to save these files, which makes the folder small and becomes easy to manage and the image URLs are also shortened.
  • The version number from the WordPress header should be removed. As such information usually helps the WordPress hackers who target the lower version wordPress which are less secure. The version number should be permanently removed.
  • The casual browsing of the WordPress folder by the other people should be avoided. The explorer view in the web browser can be used to view these files which should be avoided.
  • The post revisions should be turned off in the WordPress 2.6. The feature can be turned off as maximum blogger are sole writers. This feature should be enabled when there are multiple bloggers or content writers are working for the same website.
  • The HTML in the WordPress comments should be disabled. Certain HTML tags are often used by the people making comments which highlight certain words or add live links. This feature, if not required, should be kept off.
  • The Image thumbnails in the WordPress should be turned off. WordPress creates additional thumbnail images when any image is uploaded. This step by WordPress cannot be avoided.
  • The building mode of the XML sitemap should be changed. The building mode should be changed to the manual.
  • The location of the plugins and the WordPress theme folders should be changed.

Hope, these tips proved helpful to you. Comments are always welcome.

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