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JAM with Chrome: Play Music Live with Online Friends

Have you ever dreamed of playing in a band to astound the world? Certainly, you will have similar daydream like most of youth possess nowadays.  Seeing dreams to Rock the world could be shaped up only after striving hard. Lack of support as well non availability of musical instruments often spoil dreaming part. Google – known to help someone else in needy conditions comes with a brand new app called ‘JAM with Chrome‘.

Jam with Chrome is a web application that connects friends of different places to play music mutually in Chrome browser on computers belonging to them. when you access ‘Jam with Chrome‘ site, you have as much as 19 options to select instruments. These instruments are Bass Guitars, Drum Kits, Pad, Acoustic and Keyboard. Once selection of instruments completes, you can switch instruments as many times as you like.

As far as function concern, Jam with Chrome application has two modes ‘Easy and Pro’. Into default ‘easy mode’ you can play with four different autoplay functions while switching to ‘Pro mode’ you may play any instrument through keyboard. The application has valuable option to invite up to 3-friends from different locations through online connectivity. Sharing button is provided on Jam on Chrome application for inviting online friends to play music collectively.

You may access Jam to Chrome web page located at bottom of this article.

Jam with Chrome


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