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Journey of the Web Browsers in the year 2012

The web browsers have become ever intelligent, and are delivering the best performance. From a paper publishing place to a programming platform, the journey of the web has been an awesome one with the great contributions from the web browsers. The advent of smartphones and tablets had made web developers more alert in developing more sophisticated software. Towards the end of the year, we look back. Here, at howto-connect, we review all those events which took the Web world by the storm.

  • Chromebooks became worth with the price cuts: Google’s web-based browser, Chrome did not give an aesthetic appeal when it was launched in the year 2009, and still could not impress with the Chromebooks in 2011. But in 2012, the lowering of the price of the Chromebook took the market by the storm. The Samsung Chrome book used an ARM processor replacing the Intel chip and the Acer C7 Chromebook used an intel chip and stick to the solid state drive. These were around 250$. At this price tag, they were decent enough to be used for entertainment, web surfing, and homework tasks.
  • Internet Explorer comes back: There is a decent population of people who do not like the browsers from Microsoft. The Netscape and IE 6 were left for years. But this community might be losing its population with the launch of IE 10. The features have been upgraded. And a long list of web standards is also supported. The web pages load fast. Some of the omissions include WebGL interface for the 3D graphics, but it still makes a decent browser.
  • HTML 5 slapped down by Facebook: The web pages are basically described by the Hypertext Markup Language, and recently the modern web development has been symbolized by the HTML 5 version. Web apps use this idea to span over many devices tablets, Windows, Macs, and smartphones. Facebook also used this platform until recently when it dumped the HTML to go for the native iOS and the Android apps.

These were some of my personal favorites. More of such events are expected in 2013 revolutionizing the web world. Join the forum by giving comments.

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