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Jupiter Ed – Site For Teachers, Students to Track Progress by Grading

Jupiter Ed is an excellent website for tracking student’s progress academic achievements along with helping teachers in grading answer sheets. It is a kind of all in one solution for students as well as teachers. On this site teacher may test students, analyze answer sheet to give results. There is no need of any kind of data entry or importing files kind of stuffs. It is used by teachers to know about their students in real time with a lot of ease through these tests. They could make the parents up to date about their grades as well as homework using this site.

Things in this site are kept very simple and easy so that each and everyone could use this website at very ease. Again, this website is based on cloud-hosting making its users to login in this site from anywhere and any browser.

                                  Jupiter Ed Website

How to use this Website

Once you visit to this site from the link provided at the last of this article, you will several sections for various purposes. Some of with a brief discussion is presented below:

1. Jupiter Grades

It is an online tests which teachers could conduct and their students could follow on this website. It is a very useful website as it reduces a lot of work for the teachers as well as for the students. There are many flexibilities present in using this website. Checking large number of copies is not a problem here as well as their grading is done in just a small period of time. It is considered to be the best subscription grade book. This website is created to save a lot of yours time in setting question papers as well money investment in printing the question papers. This website is available for all kinds of teachers, parents and students. Whether it be an elementary school or a senior secondary high school this website is used for almost all of them. Emailing the students just after they are achieving a grade is very easy using this website. There is a login based system used in this website of which a screenshot is shown below:

jupiter grade

Before entering to this site, you might need a username and a password which you could create in the sign up page. There are a lot of stuffs which is needed to be fulfilled before entering to this website. You just fill up all those required information and that’s it. You are then allowed to open this and could use it according to the category you belong to. Parents here could check for the absences, grades and missing assignments if they have an account at this website.

2. Jupiter Sis

It is again a very powerful tool of this website. It helps you in keeping a record of all the students reading or joined to your school. Along with it also helps you in streamlining common tasks so your schools can operate more efficiently. It is a web-based student information system for K-12 public, charter, and private schools.

There is a TCO Calculator present in this website. This one is used for maximizing security, reliability and scalability. Using Jupiter we could do the following below mentioned things.

  1. There is more time to be spent upon in the teacher student interaction.
  2. A large number of students could be looked upon very easily without even knowing them.
  3. Parents could have a control over their kids performance.

It is used to conserve student data, provide information to its students and parents who have an account at this website. It helps in improving the communication with students.

3. Jupiter Lms

This section helps you in creating online quizzes, exercises, worksheets, tests and tutorials. Once it is created, it can be accessed by your students on their computers. The grade after the completion of any above mentioned things would be submitted in the grade sheet of the students which could be seen by his parents or him. It is nice application as it saves a lot of time of yours which would be wasted in data entry. There is also feature of creating more than one tests or quizzes just by rearranging the questions.

Note : You can also look for textbooks, curriculum as well by visiting to its EdStore.

4. Jupiter Analytics

It is not just a data presentation. It helps you in deciding a lot of other features too like following any curriculum, effectiveness of teachers, how effective a student is, which student might need some extra attention and many other similar things. It is totally created for creating a good environment for the students so that student could increase their efficiency using this. It also has the feature of comparing schools, teachers, pre-tests, control groups, demographics etc.


  1.  You can import state tests too using this website.
  2. You can analyze different students in a very easy way just after the tests are over.
  3. It gives its users necessary tools so that they could take the right decisions.
  4. It helps students in result-driven environment.

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