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KB4498375 for Windows 10 10240.18187 Cumulative Update – 25 April 2019

Windows 10 receives another new cumulative update KB4498375 on April 25, 2019. This patch provides various fixes and improvements to the build 10240.18187 for version 1507. The update mainly focuses on the Japanese Era that includes major issues like – NLS registry, DateTimePicker and more. In addition, this comprises several quality enhancements to make Windows 10 more reliable.

Insiders are able to download KB4498375 as MSI file format from Microsoft update catalog website. Although, the manual installation is an easier option when you fail to get the patch automatically. It is recommended to upgrade your machine to the latest versions of Windows 10 for having a better user experience and to sustain security updates. If you want to see all the patches on a single page then follow – Windows 10 Cumulative Updates List.

KB4498375 –


KB4498375 Windows 10 1507 improvements and fixes details

This update is actually a bug fixing patch carries no new feature to the operating system but hold multiple quality improvements like –

  • Windows 10 team works to solve hampering of an input method editor (IME) from supporting the new Japanese Era character.
  • They update the NLS registry which supports the new Japanese Era.
  • The developers address the DateTimePicker problem because of which it displays the date incorrectly in the Japanese date format.
  • Tech Giant focuses on the Date and Time Settings to control to cache old Eras and prevents the control from refreshing when the time enters the new Japanese Era.
  • The company updates the font. It is done to support the new Japanese Era.

KB4498375 Known issues


A certain operation, that you perform on a file that is on a Cluster Shared Volume may be failed due to a bug –


This happens while executing the process on a CSV owner node from a procedure that doesn’t own administrator privilege.

Do one of the following –

  • This would be resolved if you perform the task from a process that has administrator privilege.
  • Another method is to perform the task from a node that doesn’t have CSV ownership.

The company is working on a resolution. They will produce an update in an upcoming release.

How to download KB4498375 for Windows 10, 1507 and install

Prior to getting the latest cumulative updates KB4498375, we recommend you to install the latest servicing stack update. Doing this, it would enhance the performance of the update process in order to mitigate the potential issues. To get KB4498375 through Windows update –

Step-1: Press Win+I to launch Windows Settings.

Step-2: Click Update & Security category.

Step-3: Consequently, select Check for updates button on the right side of the following page.

You are able to Download KB4498375 from Microsoft Update Catalog.

Source – Release note.

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