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KB4537789 Update for Windows 10 1709 16299.1686

If you are among the users waiting for Microsoft to roll out some updates, well you are at luck. Today is Patch Tuesday when you can get tons of minor and major updates for Windows 10. February 11, 2020 rolls out KB4537789 Update for Windows 10, version 1709 16299.1686. Some of the most significant security updates have been rolled out this month.

Microsoft has certain important announcements along with the KB4537789 Update. As already announced, Windows 10 version 1709 will no longer be having any Delta updates after April 9, 2019. All the updates will be through the cumulative update packages such as this.

KB4537789 Update for Windows 10 1709 changelog

Some of the key highlights of the KB4537789 Update are as follows –


  • Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge receive some important security fixes and updates.
  • Microsoft Office product will be equipped with better security with this update.
  • For storing and managing files, all the major bugs and errors are fixed.
  • Some of the external devices that you use such as Gaming controller, printers, Projectors, etc along with some of the input devices like Mouse and Keyboard have got security updates as well.
  • Microsoft Edge no longer supports e-books with the .epub file extension after this update.

KB4537789 Known Issues

A major issue reported by multiple users on Windows 10 system has been mentioned specifically by the company along with proper fixes.


“STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL (0xC00000A5)” is an error that has been received when any user tried renaming or other functions on files or folder associated with the CSV extension.

Well, the reported issue has been caused mainly due to the fact that the user has been performing these operations on a node with CSV ownership having no administrative authority.


To fix the issue from occurring repeatedly on the system, carry out the following process.

  • Do not forget to have the right administrator privileges before carrying out any function such as renaming.
  • Secondly, make sure to use the node that has no Cluster Shared Volume ownership.

Further, the experts at Microsoft are working on the resolution and you will receive its update in the next update soon.

Improvements and Fixes

Since there are no major changes in this update for any software or application. Only a few of the known software have received security updates.

How to get KB4537789 Update for Windows 10 1709

Similar to other updates, Microsoft advises installing the latest servicing stack update on Windows 10 before receiving LCU. To ensure reliability over the potential risks associated with the KB4537789 Update, the SSU installation becomes necessary.

  • Go to the Microsoft Update Catalog to get your hands on the standalone package of the KB4537789 update and click on download.
  • Otherwise, open Windows Settings by pressing on the Start Button.
  • Click on the Update and Security icon on the screen.
  • Go to Windows Update and press on Check for updates
  • Install the same.

You can follow the process through your system directly, or download the file from Microsoft Update Catalog as mentioned and install the file manually.

Source – Release note.

That’s all!!!

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