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KB5015878 Windows 10 Build 19044.1862 Rolled out to Release Preview Channel

RP i.e Release Preview Channel received yet another rollup a while ago. KB5015878 update that increases the version to Windows 10 Build 19044.1862.

Full name of the release is – 2022-07 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 10 Version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5015878). Let’s see the details –

Windows 10 Build 19044.1862 KB5015878 changes and bug fixes

Here is the changelog –

  1. This deliverance brings the ability for you to consent to receive urgent notifications even when focus assist is enabled. This is a new feature.
  2. One additional attribute in this rollout for 21H2 is the functionality for Windows Autopilot deployment scenarios that are influenced by the security mitigation for hardware reuse. KB5015878 wiped out the one-time use restriction for self-deploying mode aka (SDM) and pre-provisioning (PP). This rollout again activated any User Principal Name aka UPN display in user-driven mode or UDM deployments for recognized manufacturers.
  3. The experts in the RP channel team reduced the overhead of resource contention in high input/output operations per second means IOPS scenarios that have many threads contending on a single file.
  4. The rollout made the reliability of a push-button reset after an Operating System upgrade more smooth.
  5. Windows 10 v21H1 Build 19044.1862 fixed an issue that makes the tenant restrictions event logging channel inaccessible if you delete EN-US language pack.
  6. The build fixed troubleshooters not opening problem.
  7. They modified the Remove-Item cmdlet in Windows 10 v21H1 Build 19044.1862 to appropriately interact with OneDrive folders.
  8. Experts solved certain docking stations losing internet connectivity when resuming from Sleep mode.
  9. The rollout added functionality that caches extra audio endpoint information to enhance the Operating System upgrade experience.
  10. Furthermore, they fixed consecutive video clip playback failures in games that use DX12.
  11. The team solved certain games that use the XAudio API that fails to play sound effects.
  12. Windows 10 v21H1 Build 19044.1862. fixed port mapping conflicts for containers.
  13. The experts solved Code Integrity which continues trusting a file after the file has been modified.
  14. Also, they fixed Windows that stops working after enabling WDAC or Windows Defender Application Control with the Intelligent Security Graph feature turned on.
  15. KB5015878 LCU solved height of the Search box’s height that is affected when using multiple monitors that have different resolutions as measured DPI.
  16. Also, the cumulative update LCU fixed SMS aka Storage Migration Service can not work when completing inventory on servers that have many shares. “The system logs error event 2509 in Microsoft-Windows-StorageMigrationService/Admin channel (ErrorId=-2146233088/ErrorMessage=”Invalid table id”)”.
  17. Finally, they fixed the Windows profile service that failed sporadically when signing in. The error that shows up is, gpsvc service failed to sign in. Access denied.

KB5015878 Download links –

x64 SSU

Source – Windows blog.

That’s all!!

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