At the beginning of the month of August, the LibreOffice Office program was updated to version 7. Now version 7.0.1 has been released with so many big and small bug fixes.
Lists of bug fixes from RC1 and RC2 is available where you can see all the fixes. The changelog includes a total of 79 errors that were corrected.
LibreOffice 7.0.1 with so many small and big bug fixes
Here are the bug fixes –
Releases/7.0.1/RC2 –
- Insertion into set might find a duplicate.
- TEXTJOIN and CONCAT handle matrix/array column-wise rather than row-wise.
- Drag and drop to the left removes formatting.
- Anti-aliasing off renders gradient fill with the same colors and transparency wrong.
- Build id is neither represented in nor copyable from the about dialog.
- Saving DOCX to ODT with hiding tracking changes deletes all images.
- EDITING – Fails to increase or decrease height or Y position of objects in Base reports.
- LO Writer: Find Bar search locks up GTK3.
Releases/7.0.1/RC1 –
- LibreOffice Calc Fixed Width Import no longer shows handles.
- FILEOPEN: WPS DOC – incorrect font colors imported (16 palette colors = use comment 11’s doc).
- FILESAVE: can’t save .docx subsequent to removing the header or footer.
- PDF after export doesn’t work if to perform File -> Export…
- Table settings and borders are not saved if selected Only embed fonts that are used and Embed fonts.
- FILEOPEN: DOCX: Wrong text wrapping of fly frame.
- FILESAVE: PPTX: transparency gradient on solid fill is not considered in export.
- AUTO-REDACT: Uneditable target.
- LibreOffice 7.0.1 fixed crashes when launching a document in print preview.
- FILEOPEN: Writer document ‘Read Error. Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml at 2,68950(row,col).’.
- LibreOffice 7.0.1 settled AUTO-REDACT: enhance GUI and term.
- AUTO-REDACT: Disable “Case Sensitive” checkbox + “Whole word” check box when the “Regular expression” option is selected.
- UI: Locate All search result frame cannot resize (gen).
- FILEOPEN DOCX: chart labels black rather than white in the grey rectangle.
- FILESAVE DOCX Saving chart document twice ending up with broken DOCX file in Microsoft Word 16.
- Remove Tango Icon Totally and Make It As Extension.
- UI: Don’t translate the Vulkan/raster specifier in about window.
- LibreOffice 7.0.1 solves very slow scrolling or no scrolling at with Skia Raster or Vulkan very high-resolution image (the reasonable speed with OpenGL).
- Duplicate gnome icon theme installed.
- LibreOffice 7.0.1 fixed Table is multiplying with dummy’s after undo.
- SVG in presentation mode not so crispy in Skia raster/Vulkan as against GDI.
- FILEOPEN DOCX Shape with relative height receives large height.
- FILEOPEN PPTX: text box moves over another text box (and adopts its style).
- When sorting Japanese Kanji, “?” is the last.
- LibreOffice 7.0.1 updates the Catalan dictionary bundled data.
- FILEOPEN DOCX Shape size increases with Relative width to outer margin.
- FILEOPEN DOCX Shape size increases with Relative width to inner margin.
- LibreOffice 7.0.1 fixed Check Spelling (F7) – cursor suddenly jumps backward when correcting the text.
- Crash swlo!SwDoc::GotoOutline+0x59c.
- DOCX import: use the Drop-Down text field rather than ComboBox form control.
- FILEOPEN PPTX – gradient angle off by 180 degree (and position off, too).
- CRASH: undoing table paste.
- .CRASH: undoing section paste.
- Error when saving bigger odt/ods including password.
- The SVG graphics in LO Draw miss fidelity during working with SKIA.
- FILEOPEN RTF (in Writer): Image lost/blank frame.
- Crash specific undo/redo dance.
- .Remove –with-build-version flag.
- .FILEOPEN: DOCX: Incorrect default value in dropdown text fields.
- FILEOPEN: DOCX: Incorrect position of math object.
- Wrong paper size in the print dialog.
- FILEOPEN: DOCX: not a correct margin in the first item in a sublist.
- Listbox not bounded with “initial toggle active Tools => Options => View Show Preview of Fonts”.
- FILESAVE: big document with a password can’t be started afterward.
- FILESAVE XLSX Header text with various fonts is missed.
- .Crash:select masterslide after an inserted presentation from Writer.
- The new toolbar button does not update the icon subsequent to theme change and missing support for extra-large icons.
- Table does paste but not visible.
- Navigator does not scroll to page entered if the cursor is at that page already.
- Crash in: swlo.dll.
- Insert from file overwrites default style.
- Not assign wording error dialog appears on Add Submissions dialog by blank input.
- The writer part breaks when merging horizontally cells in a table (GTK3).
- UI: Font color toolbar icon looks off after setting it to automatic.
- Storing DOCX to ODT with hiding tracking changes trashes all images.
- Crash: Run Swam Non Linear Solver with empty input.
- Allow duration inputs of 0: mm or 0:0:ss with values >59, or 0:mm:ss with mm>59.
- “FILEOPEN DOCX” Glow effects ‘transparency’ should be prioritized over area transparency.
- CRASH: Right-click on the blank Command list (gen).
- UI: Thumbnails in the start center don’t include document images.
- Some accelerator keys are ineffective in – Page Style – dialog.
- Eps import with text has completely bogus inter-letter spacing.
- The paragraph styles preview in the sidebar is clipped.
- LibreOffice crashes when “About Libreoffice” is clicked.
- ODF export: text:anchor-type=”page” + style:horizontal-rel=”paragraph” etc. invalid combinations.
- LibreOffice Error in For….
- LibreOffice crashes after double-clicking Fonts in the Design sidebar (experimental).
- Crash when switching UI to Notebook bar variant.
- Chart Wizard does not let you choose data range with mouse (gtk3).
- Crash when starting the 3D View option for a chart.
- Crash inspecting an array after Redim Statement with choice VBASupport 1.
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