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How to make a video Diary in iOS with the moving images

Everyone is interested in keeping their old memories alive. And in this context they shoot large number of home videos. But these videos often become very boring and to large lengths without good editing. Therefore selecting particular parts and then integrating them would make it really interesting. It is estimated that one second of the best moment of the day when shot everyday will end up with around 6 minutes of the video over the year. This article teaches you how. There are also some instances where by the time the camera is taken out the moment which needs to be captured are over and you get depressed. This problem might be solved with the Google Glass but for now follow these:

Second Everyday

The videos can be taken from the stored device or shot at a particular moment. The right clip must be present. When the video is present, a one second of the best footage can be taken. The interface during editing is very simple where the video can be slid back and front to choose the best moment. And this can now be added to the timeline. The best feature is that the days are shown in thumbnails with the videos assigned. You will be asked the start date and the end date wherefore after the selection you have to click on the create button. This will mix all the video clippings and will also show you a preview. You can save it and share it over the social networking sites. The app is available for 0.99$.

Frame Blast

This app is available for free. The results provided by this app are more professional. The restrictions are absent but every video has its own style with different clip lengths, different filter and the cuts. Even the music can be added from the music library. The clips can easily be added and sequenced to get the perfect video. Its use is also very simple and easy. Various share options are provided wherefore the videos can be shared over Vimeo, YouTube, Tumblr and Facebook. Another striking feature is that the video editing can be continued even when the uploading process is on as the uploading is done in the background.

One Second Epic

This app is available for free. The video capture is even possible through the app and you can access the full video library. The user interface is also very responsive. A number of the projects can be created at the same time. The clips can be added and the videos can be edited. The restrictions have been removed. It works in the same way like the 1Second Everyday app, but the concept is a bit different one.


Overall these are some of the best apps to capture those special moments of your loved ones in the special moment.  But everything depends upon the timing and your intuitiveness.

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