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MasterCard with LCD Screen and Built-in Keyboard is coming

mastercard with display image
MasterCard has introduced a new credit card, which is more advanced in technology also have LCD display and built-in keyboard. Inauguration of MasterCard with LCD display was concluded in Singapore. The MasterCard with LCD display is result of collaborative approach of Standard Chartered Bank Singapore and MasterCard. The MasterCard with LCD display will be available globally from January next. Standard Chartered Bank Singapore is the first financial institution to accept Interactive payment Card.

As you know well Credit Card is best source of Online Banking movements. During Online banking activity, you have been asked One Time Password (OTP) several times for security reasons. And such six digits security passwords known as ‘OTP’ is sent to your mobile phones.  Such condition force you to switch system to mobile simultaneously. To remove maze brand new MasterCard has been developed. The new interactive MasterCard allows users to generate and display One Time Security Password by self on LCD screen. The token generated by above method to be used to authenticate online transaction in secure mode. Now prediction for next round of improvement in MasterCard is on the way. It is being predicted that MasterCard with LCD display will endow with information like Credit Balance and Earned Reward Points as well in near time. So, just do online banking activity with new MasterCard with advanced technology and ready for more.

1 thought on “MasterCard with LCD Screen and Built-in Keyboard is coming”

  1. The first thing should be THERE IS NO SECURITY! They say “We’re committed to keeping Twitter a safe and open community and educating you, our users, about the best ways to keep your accounts secure”. I find it kind of amusing that they virtually want to be hacked, spammed and viewed as not being secure by telling people like they have in the past, that you need to learn how to manage the damage when you get “compromised”. And they will continue to be HACKED defrauded and a continual source of annoying spam until they implement stronger guidelines and in my opinion implement some form of 2FA (two-factor authentication) where you can telesign into your account.

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