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Microsoft is creating opportunity for 300 Million Young People

Microsoft has made an important announcement to deal current issue of unemployment. As you know well unemployment affects badly global economy also create uproar. To take on unemployment issue, Microsoft is about to initiate a new strategy to create new opportunities for youths. The initiative ‘Microsoft YouthSpark’ leads to create more than 300 Million employment in about 100 countries in upcoming 03 years. It would be taken place with help of concern government, nonprofits and business organization. Microsoft YouthSpark is aiming to empower youth to realize their potential by connecting with skill based education and entrepreneurship opportunity. Certainly, It would be right move for worldwide unemployed youths to avail jobs.

As you know well we are living ever with more populous youth world. And ratio between employed and  unemployed persons are widening day by day. Countries all across the world are struggling to develop modern workforce to meet the new challenges. Due to gap between skilled and non skilled youth situation like unemployment prevail. To fill such widen gap, Microsoft initiative would play major part. Hoping youth around the world will find shortly helping hand of Microsoft behind himself or herself.

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