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Mistakes that make Webpage unreachable for Search Engine: SEO

seo in linking
There are certain mistakes which every Web developer does which makes his content unreachable in the website or rather the Search Engines do not build their links with those pages as they are not recognized. Let us explore these common mistakes:

  • Forms requiring Submissions: The content which needs the users to fill in a form or do a survey to get an access are generally never seen by the search engines. The forms generally include a password protected log in which the Search spiders do not submit and overlook them thus ultimately ignoring the content. Thus, links are not created, and the content which is generally accessible through forms are never accessed by the search crawlers.
  • The unparseable java-script links: The search engines usually fail to crawl or they give less weight to the content if the JavaScript are used for the link creation. The spiders generally prefer to crawl where either only HTML links are present, or the Java Scripts are accompanied by the standard HTML links.
  • The pages blocked by Meta Robots tag and the Robots.txt: The robots.txt files and the Meta robots tag are the files which usually allow a website owner make the pages inaccessible to the search crawlers. Many website owners tried to use this strategy to block their sites from the rogue Bots but in turn made the sites inaccessible to the crawlers thus unknowingly lowering their rankings.
  • I-frames or Frames: the links of both frames and i-frames can be crawled by the web spiders but structural issues arise in terms of organization and following. So it is advisable not to use them unless a web designer is quite advanced with the SEO tactics and has a good understanding of how the Web crawlers crawl the site.
  • The java,  flash links or the other plug-ins: The website might be very rich with colorful images, videos, flash texts and the others, but, when they are not properly scripted or rather the HTML texts are absent or not suffice, then the web crawlers do not recognize the site content and it becomes inaccessible.
  • The links crawled by the search engines: There is a limit to the amount of links crawled by the search engine in understanding the site. So, it is very necessary to keep a regular check on the links and some links such as the spams should be kept on deleting, otherwise the search spiders would crawl unimportant links thus avoiding those which are actually the soul of the website.
  • Search Forms are not used by the Robots: There is a common concept that if the Search box is placed in the webpage then the Search engine is able to understand everything that a human being searches, but it is not so. The web spiders do not use the concept of searching to find the content. They only rely upon more and more links to find the content. So, this concept requires a refining.

Hope, these common mistakes are not repeated.

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