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New Version of Sony’s Xperia Z is going to be launched soon

Sony Xperia Z is a smartphone which comes with a high-resolution screen and classy Android customization. Sony is now going to launch a new version of itself whose features are written below.

  • The new version of Sony Xperia is now coming in a smaller model i.e. the smaller screen size with more waterproofs.
  • It can be taken inside the water to a larger extent and deeper.
  • This new feature of Sony Smartphones is going to be launched in the second quarter of 2013.
  • The Android 4.1 jelly bean Smartphones which come with a 13 megapixel camera, HD display, a SnapDragon S4 Pro quadcore 1.5GHz processor and a Ram of 2 GB.
  • Similar to its earlier version it could take the photos inside the water, however it can take it deeper than its earlier ones. It was said that it could work under a deep height of 1.5 m for about 30 minutes. You might know that its earlier version was capable of only 1m height.

Sony, Sony_Xperia, Android

  • However, as we know as the technology advances there may be some disadvantage too. There is a disadvantage too here in this case and that one is that it comes with only 8 GB of internal storage whereas the large ZR came with 16 GB internal storage.
  • The new phone which is going to be in the market soon is to be with “Stamina” battery technology. The main feature of this technology is that it can quadruple itself by shutting down automatically the energy-consuming apps which are no longer used at that very time.

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