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ms office 2013

New in MS Office 2013 – PDF Editor, Sky Drive, Skype, One Note

After a momentary look up on Microsoft office 2013 one can say that it is absolutely different from Office 2010 version. Office 2013 is equipped with numerous new features. These features distinguish MS office 2013 than previous version of offices. Now we are going to introduce these new features of Ms office 2013. 1

windows 7

How to work better with Windows 7, Some Tips

WINDOWS, is becoming flexible and more and more user friendly. New features are being added everyday and working in such environment is becoming pleasurable. These are some of the tips for printing more easily, sending e-mail directly from the desktop and finding files faster:

prevent hard drive crash

How to prevent Hard Disk Crash and avoid Data Corruption

Hard Disk does not come cheap, and it is very painful when it is damaged. Data recovery is considered to be the most difficult job to be accomplished. It is very costly and never ensures a hundred percent recovery. Thus, there is both loss of money and important files. Therefore, the best way is

office preview

How To Download and Install Microsoft Office 2013 Step by Step

How To Download and Install Microsoft Office 2013 – Microsoft has achieved a lot of successful response and loud after presenting Windows 8 Preview product. So Microsoft Office 2013 Customer Preview has been launched in 2012. Actually, Office 2013 is known as Office 15.

How to create a good Document in Microsoft Office

A good presentation is always incomplete without a good document. It should be both informative and attractive. A good focus should be put on how the matter is to be presented so that it is both very interesting and catches the eyes of the person seeing it. A ‘wow’ factor should be present. Microsoft

How To Create Local, Administrator Account in windows 7

As we know, windows 7 displays default admin account at first during login. it permit us to create another local account with admin right. Advantage of creating admin right another user account in win 7, be able to access complete administrative services and run applications comfortably.