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How to Enable Hidden Windows 7 Admin Account

Suppose, your computer is working with single account at a time. You have forgotten password of active account. Then what is solution? Here if you don’t want to format your computer, the task becomes more difficult. How you will start your computer. At this time hidden default administrator account in windows 7 comes in use. With the help of this account you may find your forgotten password in easy way. How? You can know answer further.

RUN Administrator Account

How To Enable Administrator Account in Windows 7 / Disable

As you know well installation of any Software in any system requires Administrative authority of users. Without Administrative power possibility of installation could not be taken place. It means auto enabled Administrative Accounts paves the way of proper working of computer.

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How To Create User Account, Password in Windows 7

Having more than one User Account and Password makes a computer more secure from unauthorized access. As per need, one’s may add password feature to enable or disable an account in windows 7. Advantage of managing password is used for enabling as well as disabling password in computer easily. Now, I am going to

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How To Delete Local User Account in windows 7

Making more than one user accounts in Windows 7 beefed up security concern of unauthorized users. Memorizing passwords of each made Local User Accounts is certainly tough task. Therefore, users have no more choice than to delete Local User Accounts. So, question raises here how to delete Local user Account when working in Windows