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Participate in Google Code-in 2012 Contest

Knowingly or unknowingly you use ‘Open Source Software‘ while surfing web pages or sending text messages or posting a status updates on Internet. Indeed, it is the power of Open Source Software, which exists Internet service. To encourage the best minds at pre university level, Google comes with initiative called ‘Google Code-in 2012’. Such initiative is all about global competition for Knowing & Creating method of ‘Open Source Software’. Pre university students aging between 13-17 years old may take part into ‘Google Code-in’ 2012 contest. It is third consecutive year after 2010 & 2011 edition to commence similar Google Code-in contest.

The Google Code-in 2012 context begins on 26th November 2012, and it will be lasted for 50 more days. Contestant will have to compete Online tasks for 10 different open source organization. The online tasks include Software Coding, Marketing Outreach, User experience & research. Quality Assurance and User Interface. After successful completion of assigned tasks participants would be felicitated. This year Google has planned to select 20 talented students (double than earlier competition) to offer trip of Google’s Headquarter in Mountain View. One day tour of ‘Googleplex’ and meeting with Google Engineers including with another day in San Francisco are on the card of touring. If you are looking to prove your’s skill in developing ‘Open Source Software’ and loving for Global challenges competition as well  ‘Google Code-in’ contest is the best way to prove worth on single platform. As competition is about to come, it is time to know every aspect of  Google Code-in competition. Participant could get all important information ‘Rule & Regulation’ after following below web address.

Google Code-in 2012 Contest Rules

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