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Photo Editor Windows 8 / 10 App – Apply Basic Editing Tools on Images

Photo Editor is a fantastic photo editing app on windows 8. It is available for completely free in the windows store. This app allows you to edit your images with a lot of ease. In addition to this, it has a lot of built-in filters and effects that can be applied easily to the image which you wish to edit. It is a very powerful app with a large number of filters and editing effects which help you in creating a most dashing image out of the presenting images in your drives. This app is powered by Aviary Inc.

The interface of this app is very neat and clean allowing you to do all the editing things in a very clear and efficient manner. A screenshot of this app is shown below:

photo editor windows 8 app

You can have the access to this app from the link provided at the last of this article.

How to use this app

Once you have installed this app on your windows machine, running this app will open a window like the above shown screenshot. In its home screen, you could see a photo on which there is a caption written “Tap to edit the image”. You can directly start editing the app by just browsing the photo on which you wish to apply effects by just clicking on Browse next to Choose your image.

The moment you select any image, it would be opened in a new window with certain editing options like Effects. In this effects section, You have ready-made effects applying on to your image will change it completely. Some of these effects are BoardWalk, Cycle, Lucky, Hass, Dean, Arizona, and many others.

In the Enhance section, you have other options like auto, night, backlit, and balance options which have their own importance. You can apply the basic things like the changing brightness, contrast, sharpness, and other things too here on this image. This app also provides you the facility of cropping and rotating images. There is an option of saturation here, using which you can decide how much your pic to be saturated. Again there is an option of adding stickers to photo. In this section, you can add goggles, cap, slippers, tie, cigar, and many other cool things to your pictures. These are the basic things you need to know before using this app in a well efficient manner.

Key Features of this app

  1. Available free of cost
  2. Gorgeous photo effects with fun stickers
  3. Sharpen and blurring effects
  4. Includes drawing and adding texts
  5. One tap auto advance
  6. A super intuitive interface so that one could get right thing before editing
  7. Provides basic things like: cropping and rotating


Photo Editor is a good app for windows 8 devices. One should have this app installed in his windows machine if he/she wants to edit the images that are being clicked anywhere through any device. It has tons of cool effects with advanced settings allowing you to do a lot of beautiful things to make your simple picture look great and awesome. Overall, this is a nice app and you should have it.

Link: Photo Editor Windows 8 App

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