A new version of PowerShell is available with moderate number of fixes for general Cmdlet updates and Improvements in Build and Packaging. The main changes of this release are fixes for Test-Connection due to .NET 8 changes, NC path completion regression, and Get-Service non-terminating error message. This is PowerShell v7.4.0-rc.1 that updates CGManifest for release.
Key points of the Build and Packaging Improvements include the addition of SBOM for the release pipeline, Bumping to .NET 8 RC2, Blocking any preview vPack, and more. You can download this new update for PowerShell using the links at the bottom part of this post. Let’s see what is new in this version:
PowerShell v7.4.0-rc.1 changes, improvements bug fixes
Here is the changelog:
Common Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Fix Test-Connection due to .NET 8 changes.
- Add telemetry to check for specific tags when importing a module.
- Fix Copy-Item progress to only show completed when all files are copied.
- Fix unixmode to handle setuid and sticky when the file is not executable.
- Fix UNC path completion regression.
- Fix implicit remoting proxy cmdlets to act on common parameters.
- Fix Get-Service non-terminating error message to include category.
- Fixing regression in DSC.
See: Windows PowerShell 7.4.0 Preview.1 Rolled out with many changes
PowerShell v7.4.0-rc.1 Improvements in Build and Packaging
See the improvements in PowerShell v7.4.0-rc.1, the latest version of this cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation and configuration tool/framework:
- Update ThirdPartyNotices.txt file (Internal 28110)
- Update CGManifest for release
- Fix package version for .NET NuGet packages.
- Only registry App Path for release package.
- Bump PSReadLine from 2.2.6 to 2.3.4.
- Bump Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.
- Bump to .NET 8 RC2.
- Add SBOM for the release pipeline.
- Bump version of Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet to v1.0.0.
- Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.5.1 to 2.5.3.
- Bump JsonSchema.Net from 5.2.5 to 5.2.6.
- Fix the alpine tar package name and do not crossgen alpine fxdependent package.
- Increase timeout when publishing packages to packages.microsoft.com.
- Block any preview vPack release.
- Add a surrogate file for compliance scanning.
Download links
1) win-x64.msi
2) win-x64.zip
3) win-x86.msi
4) win-x86.zip
If you want to install in more environments go to this link and install from there.
That’s all!!