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PowerToys v0.20.0 is available to download with bug fixes

PowerToys is a collection of utilities to provide better experience for extensive productivity. Presently, Color Picker, FancyZones, File Explorer Add-ons, Image Resizer, Keyboard Manager, PowerRename, “PowerToys Run”, and Shortcut guide are the utilities under this project. Today,  PowerToys v0.20.0 is released with stability or quality fixes.

The utility has introduced a screen-wide color picker  SVG icon support for File Explorer. The developers found lots of performance and memory issues with PowerToys Run after 0.19 and 0.20 releases. The most important ones were added to versions 0.19.2 and 0.19.1.

PowerToys v0.20.0

First of all, let’s have a look into PowerToys v0.20.0 changelog –

  1. hrzan’s Color Picker was added in! Using Win+Shift+C, you are able to reach the color from your screen
  2. File Explorer – has the ability to render SVG icons.
  3. FancyZones – Allows you to snap to any number of zones here only by pressing Shift + Ctrl while dragging a window.
  4. PT Run has now better keyboard interaction.
  5. Via this utility newly installed apps are detected.
  6. PT Run brings multiple numbers of performance and bug fixes.
  7. Keyboard manager introduces app-level shortcuts such as for Outlook, Remap Ctrl+F to F4 and now Ctrl+F will put up the find window.
  8. This utility has the ability to remap key to shortcut and shortcut to key.
  9. Settings carry improved OOBE based on the work the Microsoft Garage Interns did during their hackathon.
  10. Improvements in PowerRename.

Known issues

  1. Color Picker SOMETIMES won’t work particularly when PT is elevated mode.

Download PowerToys v0.20.0.

Source – Github.

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