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RA Tool to Disable Read or Write through USB Drive on your PC

Nowadays, hackers or unauthorized people become more active. Let see a situation, where most people are addicted to using their computer or laptop to store their data or information. It is also happening that people are working in office with groups of people who are close to, which could be hazardous to their data. Whether it could happen when you leave the office to take a cup of coffee or run to the bathroom, you will always find that someone is in front of your PC, where he may plug in a USB tool, steal your current private and important information without having you to know what’s going on.

For this type of situation, an app like Completely Removable Access Tool (RA Tool) comes to use. It can prove to be very useful when the laptop or computer is to be locked and would not be an option and you have given anyone to temporarily use it for accessing social networking or checking out emails. This application is designed in such a way that it provides limit read and write and gain access to any Universal series cable thumb travel plugged to the computer. It’s fairly easy to work with RA Tool and athletics a very light and portable design, coming in at just a few kilobytes.

The RA Tool is very simple and it provides all the features it has to be within it, petty windowpane. It essentially allows you to use for short term disable USB memory card access for a preferred time by limiting write approval or totally disabling the disk recognition. Here are the ins and outs.

Remove Access Tool (RA Tool):-

When you start the software, you are provided with three different toggles:-

Removable Access Tool

1. The initial toggle in which Examine & Write option is given. It could be the default parameter and provides normal usage of USB Drives.

2. The second choice in which Examine Only option is given where there is the restriction to users through writing, even while it lets them enter any information. To apply to this mode, you just simply need to select this and then reach Apply Changes.

3. The third option that you can have is around the menu, which has the option Disable USB Disks Prognosis is just about self-explanatory as well. This option stops your personal computer from entering any Universal series bus drives. The particular USB drive makes changes dynamically, in particular option which you have chosen.

For instance, the application turns into user friendly when you use the default option. similarly, there is a yellow icon that is represented for the  Examine Only function, and a red-colored icon represents the Turn off USB Hard disks Detection mode.

RA Tool permits to show hidden data file, by clicking the option which is under the Tools menu on a USB, in addition to letting you disable Universal series bus Auto-run, and beginning the Safely Remove Equipment console. The specified application is protected and secured with a password, so if you are thinking that anyone can merely re-enable the read/write entry by opening this program.

Removable Access Tool 2

To change your current existing password or to specify a brand new password,

– Just click on Options

– Alter Password as well as enter your desired password.

– Removable Accessibility Tool is a free tool or application, which is a  portable application and works like nobodies business on Or windows 7, Windows Landscape, Windows Several, and Glass windows 8.

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