After activating internet banking in SBI our first aim is to login and manage our account. But during login in SBI online we get a few errors like Page cannot be displayed, The operation timed out arise problems before us. So we have decided to write a post on SBI Net Banking Login Problems and Solutions so that you could solve these without any difficulty.
First, I want to say that you should use the internet explorer browser at the time of making login. We are also pasting a link clicking which you will be able to download these browsers.
SBI Net Banking Login Problems and Solutions
Errors found during logging in SBI Internet Banking Website and Solutions (Including first time login) with solutions –
1. Solution of Page cannot be displayed error during login
The error Page Cannot be displayed on SBI Net Banking website exhibits when you are using browser version of Internet Explorer 5.0 or below to it. To solve this type of SBI Net Banking Login Problem, you have to use Internet Explorer 5.5 or above to it. You may also use Mozilla Firefox 1.5 to access your online SBI Net Banking. For this, you have to download or upgrade your browser version of Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox which is mentioned above.
You can download Internet Explorer 5.5 or above.
You can download Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and above by clicking here.
2. Solution to SBI Net Banking Login Problems – The operation timed out error during login
Operation timed out error in SBI Net banking website occurs when you are using Mozilla Firefox of 1.0 version or lower than it. Here you have to use Internet Explorer 5.5 or above and Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and above to access your online SBI net banking. To use it firstly, you have to download or upgrade the browser version.
3. Solution to Page cannot be displayed error in Windows 98 with Internet Explorer 6.0 during login in
It occurs when you are using your browser with enabled Java program. Firstly, you have to enable Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in your browser.
Important Steps to Enabled JVM in Internet Explorer: You have to follow below mentioned few steps to enable Java program in your browser.
1. Firstly you have to click Tools =>Internet Options menu in your Internet Explorer window. Then a dialog box appears with Internet options.
2. After that, you have to select Advanced option in that dialog box. Again a dialog box with a list of current browser settings appears.
3. In that dialog box, you view Microsoft VM settings by scrolling. In a few systems, This Microsoft VM option cannot be present then there you have to go through JAVA (SUN) option.
4. With the Microsoft VM option, you have to select the JIT Compiler for virtual machine enabled option. If your system has JAVA (SUN) settings, select the USE JRE 1.(X) option.
5. After that, you should click on Apply and Click OK to get this Java setting.
6. At last, you have to restart your system to get this new setting.
If you are unable to find Microsoft VM or JAVA (SUN) settings in the Advanced tab of the Internet Options dialog box, then you have to go through
- By downloading Microsoft VM from
- And then reinstall Internet Explorer with Microsoft VM.
These are the main SBI Net Banking Login Problems and Solutions while operating Account through online banking. Sometimes you may get server-related problems by which the SBI Online website could not display in your browser. This generally occurs for short periods
Useful Posts:
Dear sir..i give application for net banking in local branch ..aftr two days i got sms of username with message dat userpassword is courier to given address ….when i didnt receive courier i contact local branch n they provied me net kit
when i start login through kit username it shows wrong ,aftert cal tol fre no.dey provide me my sms username …….i m geting trouble to use username ..kindly resolve my issue….thx
Sir, Madam,
I have received my internet banking KIT. I cannot differentiate 0(number zero) and capital letter O in the user name.There are 8 characters in the user name.Can you please tell me how many letters and how many numbers there are in the user name or if 1st and 2nd in the user name are letters(as in the KIT No.)
I had activated my internet banking but forgot the username and password. Now when I am trying to reset the username and password, it tells me “INCORRECT CIF NUMBER”. however, I am entering the numbers from my passbook. I tried to contact to customer service, which is the worst one ever. did not listen to me. just kept on saying “visit home branch”, I told them I am far from my home and need the access immediately but no help. tried the number for home branch, number not working. It’s govt bank hence the services are like our govt. POOR INDIA…
Recently My Internet Banking Account has blocked. I Went to home branch and took a new kit(with new username and password) and even bank employee said to login with old username and new password. I am trying to login daily but it is showing Invalid username and password even though I tried with a new username and password it showing Invalid. Can anyone please suggest a remedy for this problem?
Dear sir/madam I am service in Indian army. My ATM card was blocked I tell to ATM help line that was say your home branch is blocked your ATM for security purposes. So please apply new card I am not going home branch please help how can apply ATM card
Hai Sir?/Madam?,
This is Murugan Karnan. I’m one of NRI Account Holder in SBI.
? We have received banking Pre Kit From My Home Branch. But The Pre Kit is not useable . Because they are attending Invalid Username And Password when we try to login online SBI ?. So, we have got it new internet banking username ? in Online? sbi forgot username ? link.And the net banking password received postal via DHL Courier Service. We’re reset the net banking password,?followed as onlineSBI forgot password link. But I’m trying to login online SBI that’s shown error the username has not been activated. Kindly activate the account through SMS. ? ?
?So I have been contacted my Home Branch.?They also didn’t solve the Problem.
Currently, I’m Work in Abroad,?We Have trouble to internet Banking Process.?
?My Account Details Are Below:
Name on Account : Murugan Karnan
SBI A/C No & Type : 35955898134& NRE
SBI CIF No. : 89159878427
User Name : 74092566
SBI Home Branch Code? : 15879
Please find the attachment are the error details for your reference.
So, We are pleased request to you how to activate the Internet Banking Username. ? if have choice ?please resend the new internet banking
username Activation Code.?
? ? please let me know, once you solve the problems.
Thanks in Advance
Date :???02/0?9/2016? ?
? ?Place : Singapore
? ?Thanks & Best Regards
Murugan. K
Mobile : +6586515563
Email :
I could not login with my password and username as given in kit please resolve my problem.
Account No. 31043911854
Branch code 06875
Right now SBI net banking has much improved and one can do many things online only.
I have login with username and password given in internet kit and reset username and password while completing next step i.e.,profile password my page had expired when i re-login by providing resented username and password it is showing “Invalid username and password”
Last week when i am entering username and password which given internet banking sit (sbi) .It showing invalid username and password .I tried in different browsers also . I contact bank also they said your a/c is fine
bank sent to me PPK password have only 8 english alphabets only when i try to login password box showing *************************** like this why
I have got my first time username and password of online banking kit.but when i log in it show invalid username or password given by sbi. please help me.
Try in internet explorer browser.
Sir !!
I received my temporary username through SMS.While entering that username and password for login, it shows that, your username/password is incorrect.But actually what I entered was correct.Help me to solve this problem.
I am not in india . But, i want to use internet banking facilities so created an account on sbi website. i got new username and password . If i enter that username and password it was showing error like invalid username or password. It’s very big problem that i am not in india . what to do
i registered for internet banking by online and i requested for password and i got after 10 days but it is invisible because of some scratches on that then what is the solution for this one please suggest me friends
Even I had changed two printed kit invalid user ID and Password error code displayed while trying to Log In..I am really getting confused …I visited 5 times at my Branch too..They also trying to Log In from their system..but couldn’t able to do …..any bright idea.
I have got my username and password but when iam login details ,it shows invalid username and password given by sbi
I’ve received new password and username in my registered mobile no.but unable to login again, always show incorrect password or username ………please help me
I am able to access net banking from my cell phone but when I trying to login from my laptop it shows invalid username and password I am bit confused of it can u suggest me what is the solution for this problem
hw to find ifsc code
I logged in it after 24 hours in SBI it showed to change to my new password and new username but after tat it returns back to the starting page..and if I try to login again it shows invalid password
Pls tell a solution for this.
Clear browsing data of the browser.
I can able to login with my mobile app …but it shows same user password invalid when I try to login through website.
What is this ctrl + f5 logiq I cannot understand why they are showing me to press them together and after pressing those buttons again not going to login please tell me what is this problem??
it was all given by them. so I’m in trouble. please help me.
when i opened my state bank of india its showing like this “No accounts mapped for this username. Please convey this issue to us as a ticket in “Others” under the tab Customer Care, located at the top, left of this page, and we will get it resolved in two working days. We apologise for the inconvenience.” please help me to solve.
Thank You
Thanks Adil.
I found a solution for the SBI login problem. the issue is SBI has two systems
1- retail
2 – personal
If you google SBI login, it takes you to the retail page where you personal login will not work.
The correct way is google SBI personal banking and login from there.
I was so surprised when I figured this out that so many ppl have same problem but SBI cannot even recommend such a simple solution.
I activate my SBI net banking but when I go in for kit it can not accept username moreover password I went at my home branch and they de-active this kit and deliver me new username by SMS and after some day I obtained password by post and then login into its asking for kit number. and when I fill the kit which I get first time it shows invalid now how can I get a new kit number …please answer
“If the system displays an error message after you input password,
please press Ctrl and F5 keys together.” this massage display I can not access my a/c, After input valid & proper password & User id .What shall I do ?
Yes, it is down again. I am trying to login which was working yesterday, I am getting message – Due to some technical problem we are not able to process your request currently.
This is happening for last 4 hours.
SBI online sytems seems to be broken. Cant login, even if I received new password. Anyone managed to solve it?
Hello Sir/madam,
I can’t able login with my username and password from last two days, its showing invalid username and password. by tomorrow I am going my sbi branch office, I let u know about this issue in couple of days to resolve this problem.
Have you tried in Internet Explorer browser.
I have operated my online SBI account on the day before yesterday with my ID. but today when I am going to opening the account then it is shown as incorrect userID or password, but I am 100 % correctly using the user ID and password. Why it is happening and how this problem will be solved. please reply.
Hello Sir/madam,
I can’t able login with my username and password from one month,its showing invalid username and password.i can’t able to go my branch office,If i go to the other branch of bank, is this problem will resolve??
Having same issue for last 2 months as mentioned by several others. I am not able to log in from both of my computers. I have a 3rd very old computer whose browser has an old version. I am able to log in from that computer. The problem is that is a desktop and I do not use it.
I do not understand why SBI net banking team is not able to resolve this issue if so many people are effected. Appreciate a quick resolution.
even I faced the same issue .I can able to login with my mobile app …but it shows same user password invalid when I try to login through website
Sir/madam, I have username and password. During Login, I put the correct Username and Password. But it does not open and it shows the invalid username and password. And the Login portion of above side seen that press Ctrl+F5 logic I can’t understand why they are showing me to press them together and after pressing those buttons again not going to login. please solve my login problem if early as possible.
Thanking You
Have you tried in the Internet Explorer browser?
Sir/Madam, I am facing problem for log-in to net banking. User ID & Passward is confusing. I have received new user ID through SMS, using that ID I tryed to login. But the comment received “incorrect User ID or Passward”. Then again I have send request for new passward and after received the same I again tryed to login by using latest ID & PW, but still the same comment appears “incorrect User ID or Passward”. So, pl. advise me and how to get fresh User ID & Passward by mail or SMS and after howmany hours it will activate? Pl.treat this most urgent.
Hello, Guys. I am also have the same issue. How did you resolve the isssue?
You may get new user id and password from branch.
Good afternoon sir/madam,
I would like to ask for a solution to open my Internet
Banking Account ,where I am disable to do it. Even I entered my correct
password and username, the notification I got as incorrect. Actually, I open this
account from Hyderabad while I was running a business there and six months
ago I wind up from there. Now I am in Kerala,Kindly advise me a solution.
Thanking you.
After logging in my account shows “No accounts mapped for this username. Please convey this issue to us as a ticket in “Others” under the tab Customer Care, located at the top, left of this page, and we will get it resolved in two working days. We apologise for the inconvenience.”
What should I do?
The problem is u have opened account in SBI and want to use Internet banking facility.Even I have faced the issue 2 times.I don’t know how these guys are managing.The username and password says invalid even changing kit 2 times.Another issue or new internet banking kit u have to visit to home branch and if ur staying out of state then ur gone.Also the SBI think themselves as Govt employee.So I have closed my SBI account.While closing account the SBI employee warn me that it will difficult to open account 2nd time.I told I don’t want to open.I told that day will n’t come in my life.So my suggestion is close the account and go to any other nationalized bank..
Invalid user name or password
You need to go to the Indore branch to submit filled up application form once and again to collect user id and password. That means you will have to go to the Indore Branch two times. Then you can run your SBI account online from anywhere anytime.
I had opened my sbi savings account in Indore 3 years back. Now I shifted to Nagpur.
1. Can I start internet banking from Nagpur online?
2. Or do I need to go to any branch of sbi in Nagpur?
3. Or I can start internet banking by visiting Indore branch where I opened my account?
Same here…Even i m facing the same prblm while logging in…I tried changing my password 3 times…But of no use.I m unable to log in into my account…Can u suggest what i need to do???
Dear sir, madam
i am also facing a problem that my password and username is invalid so what to do for solution
I get kit number from sbi branch but when first time login the username and password are show invalid . Please help me.
I request
Sir please send my user id
My a/c no. Is 31296964535
My mob. No. 8306040406, 08238937122
Plz sir you consider my request
Have you written your user id and password anywhere?
I try to login in internet banking. I have changed my password while using first time and received a msg as well. But after that I try to login again. It shows invalid log username and password.
What is this ctrl + f5 logic I can’t understand why they are showing me to press them together and after pressing those buttons again not going to login please tell me what is this problem??
I have username and password. During login, I put correct password and username. But it does not open and it shows the invalid username and password. After I changed the password and open. At the same time once I did log out and immediately again I login it shows again invalid username and password. so every time I need to change my password for login.
Please, can anybody know this problem.please tell me what I do?
May be technical issue from the server of the site. So check again later.
dear sir,
I am a regular user of sbi online service and no reason to complain, but today i.e. on date 18/04/2015 at 3.03 pm. I do not get Accountant statement on my p.c. my a/c no. are 32542537144 & 66005741987 with sbi divanpara branch code no.1842 at Bhavnagar (state Gujarat ) when I inquired for account statement for last 6 months, the system stated ” NO SUCH ACCOUNT “I would like to state that both a/cs are active and up to yesterday- last day- there was no problem with these accounts. please guide the matter.
Any transaction which takes place from my account except ATM withdrawal of money is not informed on my mobile.
hello sir..
I have username nd password but when I login then Incorrect ur username or password show..
I m in problem … please solve it …
I have a have savings a/c at mashila branch SBI. today I see, from my a/c rs.7000/-and rs.400/- debit by 2 cheques on 15/7/14 and 21/7/14. these cheque nos not of me. how is it possible? what will I do now?
How will I get a PPK now?
Hey there everybody.
I applied for the thingy, but I didn’t get my PPK even though, it’s been like months.
I did the trouble logging in thingy thrice already which said I’ll get it in 2 weeks. But I’ve haven’t got it. If I have to go the branch for a PPK, will I need to bring my mobile for any OTP there?
What problem are you facing?
Could you solve the issue? Because am also facing the same issue.
I have account in SBI GUWAHATI ASSAM
I don’t get OTP as fast as possible , till the session of SBI online Banking get expierd .
firstly I chage my online contact number(Idea to Airtel) but til same problem i am facing now ,so as per my concern this problem is regarding from your site not from any mobile tell me solution for it.
Hey Johnny,
I think you should put up a complaint for your problem to the head of the Bank.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am unable to do Net Banking. Am staying in saudi arabia. My branch gave me a PPK when i went there during my vacation but that is saying its invalid while i try to login.
Then i tried New User, Click here tab, i gave all details, everything is alright but the server is saying invalid country code.
i contacted the branch they said its ‘+966’ in their server while in my net its only ‘966’ shown. that is there is no plus ‘+’ sign which creates the problem.
The branch is saying they cannot do anything regarding this.
please help me.
Kit number is the number printed on the envelope in which you have got your password and user id.
I have an account in SBI Pallickal branch.I got a user id and a password. But the time of login they ask the kit number. I dn’ t have kit number. Please help me to login my account
It might be blocked.
Good evening madam,
With Internet Explorer,mozila fire fox
Same problem may be it’s blocked. I am
Using Samsung Mobile android. Advice
Try to login into internet explorer browser.
Net banking login problem since last week due to server problem or my username, password wrong
If I forget my p/w and user id what is the procedure. (Because I already tried with troubleshooting methods, the CIF no mobile no country, country is not mandatory I answered all.but most of the time say invalid.also with forget password same. Kindly advice how to reactivate my net banking.I am out of station to reach my sbi branch
Last one week I could not open my net banking A/C maybe due to login p/w, user Id wrong or both are wrong.i tried through troubleshooting procedure also with that I’m unable to open (could not activate my A/C)I am unable to reach my local sbi branch, since I am out of station. Kindly advise.
Siva Ramakrishna Akella
SB A/C NO 10039385742
Andhra Pradesh.
MOB number 8374928400.
Dear Prabhakar, SBI internet banking user name will be delivered through SMS on registered mobile number and password will be delivered to you by courier/post. The password delivery may take some time as all steps involve manual effort. Alternatively you can approach for your home branch and ask him for duplicate password PPK. If the branch have PPK available, they can provide u. remember your user name will same.
I have apply net banking on 8 aug 2014. i had recieved only my user name . but i did not get any login password for this. i had visit bank three times. but they did not talk to me in good manner and replied me that we can not do any thing you can just wait.they told me that you will get your password via courier. but even after this i did not get any courier. . i am suffering many problem without this net banking. i want to know who is responsible for this.
start sbi net banking