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How to secretly hide messages in pictures

There is a big difference between privacy and secrecy. Privacy is when you have something and you do not mind others knowing it until and unless people have access to it. For example, your bank details which people know you have but the details are safe until others have access to it. And, secrecy means when you do not want people to know that even something existed. This may be some form of a message which you want to convey to a single person and it should be known by the others. Another example can be writing messages with the secret ink which can be deferred later with the use of some chemicals. The art of hiding messages in pictures is called stenography. And owing to this digital age such technology has gained new heights. You will never understand that an image has a message until the right tools or passwords are used which breaks the message. This article focuses the same and explains different ways of how you can store the secret messages in pictures.

  •  The DIY Way: This way is for those typical DIY (Do It Yourself) kind of people. They can devise their own methods for developing secret messages. You can find a lot of pictures or you can edit one in the MS Paint. This method combines the image with the text. The image looks very simple unless one looks at the specific position where the secret message is hidden. This method requires creating a BMP file which maybe a picture and the text in the TXT format may be in the notes. Then go to the Command prompt and type: copy “<image file path>” + “<text file path>” “<new image path>”. Name the image whatever you want to name it as. If a person opens this file with paint, he will see the normal image, but if he opens it with the Note, he will see the secret message hidden at the bottom.
  • Mozaiq: it has a simple to use steganography service which helps in encrypting the messages into images like a mosaic. A mosaic is an image that consists of various images. It is for those people who are too lazy to work. This software provides images itself. All we have to do is to input the message and an optional decryption password and this adds the message. After this send the message. And the other person who receives the message needs to have the mosaic software to decrypt the message.


  • MobileFish: Download link: This website was usually designed for the services like design, development, gaming, and stuff but stenography service was also incorporated. The user interface is a bit old but the services are good. It is very effective in hiding the messages in the images and even hides the files in other files. All we have to do is to enter the secret message and the image and select whether to hide it as an image or in a file. The message can then be uploaded with a URL or sent and the receiver can decrypt the message.


So, these were some of the methods to hide the messages secretly in the images.

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