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Senior Citizen Welfare Schemes / Plans in India

Senior Citizens are jewel of our society. As you know they have worked hard for the development of society as well as nation. During period of respective engagements, they accumulates vast amount of experience. Youth may gain experience of senior citizens in taking nation to greater heights. At this age of life all such experienced persons need to be taken care. Certainly they deserve it.

Besides of family members, it is responsibility of society as well as Govt. authority to fulfill desire of these unsung heroes. Today not only govt. authority but also private enterprise come with helping hands to serve these experienced persons. The particular article leads you to know about Govt. sponsored welfare schemes. To make senior citizens happy, Govt. of India address more concerned issues of Health Care, Housing, Travel and Financial Assistance.

Health Care Facility: – It needless to say Health Care is such an issue, which has to address as gradually matured in age.  Govt. of India & regional Govt. both took cognizance and sponsored schemes like has initiated schemes like Medical Insurance, Health Ailment & Treatment and Central Govt. Health Scheme.

  • To cover issue of Medical Insurance, Govt. of India has given nods to private as well as Public Insurance company, likes of : National Insurance Company, New India Assurance Company, United India Insurance Company and Oriental Insurance Company, to offer Medi-Claim Policy. The Medi-Claim Policy covers hospitalization and domiciliary expenses for treatment of critical illness. Besides of coverage of hospitalization expenses, investment made under Medical Insurance head are counted for income tax benefit.
  • Common health problems that affect senior citizens are Joint Pains, Diabetes, Cardiac Problem, Hypertension, Kidney infections, Eye problem etc. These disorders need proper and prolonged treatment. It is important to get regular medical checkups. These conditions may take long time to recover. If you are not sure about doctor’s diagnosis takes advises of other doctors too.
  • Senior Citizens worked in Central Govt. setup are assured of their health care needs through Central Govt. Health Scheme. The Central Govt. Health Schemes provide medical assistance to retired employee along with dependents, Widows of Govt. officials and Freedom fighters. The Central Govt. Health Scheme also covers Delhi Police Personnel and other dignitaries.

Housing Facility: – As you know every human needs a place to live. Someone has own housing to live but large amount of human have not their housing to live in. In serving days people have any how manage issue of housing. But after becoming senior citizen you have not much firepower to arrange housing. To solve lack of housing facility for Senior Citizen, Govt. offers Old Age Homes.

  • Thousands of Old Age Homes are made to offer free accommodation. Besides of providing shelter, Old Age Homes offers Food, Medical Amenities and other essential services. For older people, who have nowhere to go, Old Age Home provides a safe haven.

Travel Facility: – After getting retired from public life, persons are seen to plan long inter-state tour or sometime even Inter-continent tour. Govt. of India offers concession to these touring people, if they attain minimum 60 years of age in case of male citizens and 58 years of age in female citizens.  Special booking counters has been installed at major stations for senior citizens.

  • Senior citizen of male community could get 40% concession of all touring through Indian Railway in all classes including Sleeper, First Class, Air Conditioned Chair and First Class AC. Percentage of concession up by 10% for Female senior citizens, who travel by Indian  Railways.
  • Indian Airline provides rebate on normal economy class fare, who attains 65 years of age. Other Airline companies offer similar amount of rebates to senior citizens as well. But remember these rebates allow only to those elderly figures who did air traveling during their working period.

Financial Assistance Facility: – Financial Assistance is something, which is required to every needy persons in bit of time. Senior Citizens are rated most in needy personality. Therefore,  they sought for Financial Assistance. Govt. of India and State Govt. join hand to provide adequate Financial helps to Senior Citizen. In this way they offer Tax Benefits, Easy Loans, Retirement and Pension Benefits and Tax Exemption on Interest.

  • Central Govt. of India has lifted exemption limit of Income tax upto 5 lakhs for senior citizens. The move was made to encourage to continue earn and invest.
  • Senior citizens are usually denied regular loans due to their inability to show incomes. But, after govt. provision banks have started offering loans to pensioner and even older people, who can give grantee of loan repayment.
  • Retirement and pension benefits are given to retired government officials to ensures a regular income for rest of the life.
  • Senior citizens may enjoys additional benefits in terms of saving. They get higher interest rates than other individuals. They also get exemptions on penalty rates for premature withdrawals.

senior citizen k.b. singh
Dedicated to Retd. Col. K.B. Singh as he is crossing over 60 years of age on 2 October 2012.                                 

4 thoughts on “Senior Citizen Welfare Schemes / Plans in India”

  1. Hey Kaushal, thats a great article posted by you and as Mr.K.B Singh said the govt has yet lot to do for the senior citizens, but here is an initiative taken called “The Golden Estate, specially for the senior citizens. These are service apartments located in Delhi NCR and the membership age eligibility criteria is 55 years and above. They have some following facilities for the residents :

    · F & B Services

    · Laundry services

    · 24×7 Security

    · 24×7 medical support – Monitoring of general health and preventive health check-ups by the in-house medical professionals, maintenance of health records of all residents

    Fully functional physiotherapy center

    · DTH TV connection in each unit

    For more info you can log onto their website and also spread the word among other senior citizens.

  2. col (Retd) K B Singh

    Many Thanks Nabu! Great article. It is hightime senior citizens are given their due in this country. Unfortunately our Govt has yet to do a lot for them unlike foreign countries where govts have done a lot like free old age homes with all kind of facilities.
    In our country it is left to only their relatives and friends. In villages the situation is even worse. Well done, great effort. thanks once again.

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