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Preparation before site submissions to Search Engine

site Submission to Search Engines
Just creating a very informative website with lots of text, illustrations and images will not make the task complete. The created websites have to be submitted to the search engines. There are some search engines which take the submissions for free, and there are others which charge. The site creator can manually also submit the sites to the search engines. These methods once applied will make the checking for the errors in the site and then, the search engines will welcome the WordPress site. Some preparation should be done before submission of site to search engine. A few of the tips for better site submissions are as follows:

  • It should be made sure there is quite a content on the website for the search engines to scan. There should be a minimum of 10 posts for examination and evaluation.
  • The website should not be submitted to the search engine more than once in a month or a stipulated time period with anxiousness of getting listed.
  • An approximate 200 word count description of the site should be typed, copied and pasted along with the title of the website and the categories should be selected to which the site must belong in the search engine.
  • A list should be made ready which would hold the different URLs/addresses of the site. The search engine coverage can be expanded by submitting the root directory along with the specific categories and feeds.
  • A list of the search engines should be kept and checked regularly so that the websites are not resubmitted within the stipulated time period. A track about how the search engines make inclusion of the website in the search results should also be kept.

Hope, these tips help you a lot in building a good website. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

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