KB4586238 Windows 10 Build 20231.1005 Dev Channel is Availableby SunitaOctober 13, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20231.1000 (rs_prerelease) Dev 21H1 Features, Change, Fixesby SunitaOctober 7, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
KB4577063 Windows 10 October 2020 Update Build 19042.546by SunitaOctober 1, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20226.1000.(rs_prerelease) Dev 21H1 Features, Fixesby SunitaSeptember 30, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20221 Dev Preview 21H1 Features and Fixesby SunitaSeptember 23, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 build 20215 21H1 Dev Channel Releasedby SunitaSeptember 16, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
KB4581021 Windows 10 Build 20211.1005 in Dev Channelby SunitaSeptember 11, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20211 21H1 Dev Channel Features and Fixesby SunitaSeptember 10, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 build 20206 Dev Channel Rolled outby SunitaSeptember 2, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20197 ISO files 21H1 x64 and x86 [Download]by SunitaAugust 24, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20197 21H1 is out with a long list of Fixesby SunitaAugust 22, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20190 21H1 is out with Graphics Settings changesby SunitaAugust 12, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20185 21H1 Dev Channel Features and fixesby SunitaAugust 5, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20180 21H1 In Dev Channel Rolled outby SunitaJuly 29, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20175 Features, Improvements, and Fixesby GJuly 23, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20161 21H1 All features, improvements, fixes [Dev]by SunitaJuly 3, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20152 21H1 Came Out to Dev Channel Branchby SunitaJune 25, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider
Windows 10 Build 20150 Released as opening update in 21H1 and Dev Channelby SunitaJune 17, 2020February 4, 2024Windows Insider