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The Insider app Windows Phone 8 store Download link

insider app
The improved version of Insider app, preferable for Windows Phone 8, has been made available in leading stores globally. As you know well, Insider app has been developed to get mellifluous Ringtones and vibrant Bing Wallpapers to owners of Windows Phone 8 on urgent basis. For so long time, people are been in expectation to get back much improved Insider app for their Windows Phone 8. Time to get back Insider app for Windows Phone 8 has become true. Anyone seeking to get back improved Insider app is required to keep reading rest of the article. The remaining article will show valuable countenance of Insider app and way of grabbing it quite effectively for Windows Phone 8 device.

Insider app has become more advanced after inductance of following services. Services like: Live Tile Support, Ringtone Archive, Features apps and Games, Bing Wallpaper, etc. have been added in the new Insider App for Windows Phone 8.

Live Tile Support

Live Tile Support displays Bing Wallpaper Images. Latest updates related to Windows Phone Blog are also displayed on your Windows Phone 8. It automatically matches with Theme color.

Ringtone Archive 

Inside App has an option of Ringtone Archive. It is kept for having favorite Ringtones of the past. If you want to get back relatively new Ringtones of past then Archive of Insider app provides right solution.

Featured Apps and Games 

In you may see fresh apps in Insider App regarding to games for Windows Phone 8. It may be watched in regular manner to see changes in section of Featured Apps & Games.

Bing Wallpaper

It has been proven that Wallpaper of Bing Browser has hardly any match in cyberspace. Inclusion of Bing Wallpaper makes Insider app complete package to have for Windows Phone 8. By using Bing Wallpaper feature you may get the latest updated Wallpaper on Windows Phone 8.

All above applications have improved Insider app service drastically. If you have Windows Phone 8 and wanting to get Inside app for your devices then get support from following link.

Download Insider App for Windows Phone

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