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Tips for getting link through Comment for your Website

Blog commenting is an art in itself as it takes years of experience in excelling in it. Blogging sites contain articles on various topics which usually interest the visitors. The main aim of writing these blogs are obviously sharing thoughts, but also earning money. And the best way is by acquiring competitor’s backlinks by commenting on their blogs. Here are some of the tips:

  • Install the SEO Quake in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Then open Google and download the search results in an excel file.
  • As only 1000 sites are downloadable at a time and you need an approval for your comment, see that your comment is appreciating the author or is enquiring a doubt. Do not leave lots of comments otherwise you will be thought as a spammer.
  • The results of blogs and forums in the Google search can be filtered in the Google search to get the best 1000. Follow these for the backlinks.
  • You can download the competitors for the keywords which usually relate to the keywords from your blogs and then start commenting.
  • In the left side of the Google search, you will see ‘blog’, click on it to filter the results.
  • In the left side of the Google search, you have an option to filter the timeline to month, week, 24 hours, 1 hour or 10 minutes.
  • You can even filter the results to the discussion forums.
  • The seo quake can be used to download the competitor’s backlinks.
  • Now, the backlinks of the downloaded backlinks can also be downloaded from seo quake.
  • Then, keep on commenting on as many as articles you can. See that they are genuine to get accepted.
  • Try to develop parallel links on your page by concentrating on many keywords from different pages in your blog. Do not concentrate on a single keyword.
  • If you get a chance for developing two backlinks, develop one for the Homepage and the other one for the internal page of your website.

Following these tips for a minimum of two to three months will get you a very decent rank and following it continuously, you will surely get the top slot. Patience and consistency and honesty in commenting is required. 

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