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Top 5 Tips to get noticed on Social Sites

Everyone wants to get noticed in crowd and why not in social networking sites where everyone is eager to show the world who they are. There are lots of social networking sites such as FriendFeed, Identica, Plurk, Twitter, Facebook to name a few. But, the problem where a person faces is he becomes a follower of everyone, but no one follows him. What is the need of blogging when no one reads the blogs, when you are not known to anyone.
It is a common problem with everyone when creating profiles in such sites. People usually face such problems in the initial months, but when it persists for a long time it is a serious problem and if you are a serious blogger, then you need to do something. There are some serious things you need to take care of and your profile will be flooded with followers.

Feeling guilty of the current position should always be avoided and you should always look forward for the future. The social networking sites are not just simple sites, but they are social media platforms. So you should never feel shy and should always try to make new friends. These top tips would help you:

  1. Show your real identity: If you really want your presence to be felt in the social world, then you should avoid being a spammer and show your real identity. You should include your correct details like your name, place of stay, your interests, and some other things which would make people feel interested in you. And, if you are photogenic, then obviously a good image of you should be included.
  2. Taking part in regular activities and crowd: You should not feel shy and always avoid the crowd. Be frank and open to people. Try to understand their interests and get in contact with them. Get to know people well and invite them to join the sites. The interests should be shared and this will bring you closer to the other people. Becoming like-minded is one of the important factors for becoming good friends.
  3. Being regular: You are here to create an impact over the people, so it is very important to be regular. Regularly get in contact with others, attend social online events, and get in active conversations with others. Remove all your egos and be the first to interact.
  4. Having a helping attitude: Show the people how you can be for them and get to help them. Be friendly with everyone. And don’t go asking for favors and especially with the strangers. This will make others think that you are a spammer.
  5. Keep sharing: Always remember that if you help others, they will surely help you and caring for others will also make them care for you. And lastly this tip would apply to you when you have created your impact with lots of friends and followers. They care for you, so they are with you. You should always regularly interact with them and keep in touch.

These tips appear easier when said than done, but trust me they really apply in real world. If you like this post, join the discussion forum by logging in.

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