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Top PC Games of 2019

The year 2019 gave us some of the best games. The year was completely action packed with all gaming companies launching new games. The graphics improved, the games became more conceptual and interesting. The story of the games was new. It was completely a year of delight for all the gaming freaks. This is the compilation of some of the top PC games of 2019:

  1. Mark of the Ninja: The Klei Entertainment and the Indie games had a great year. They proved with this game that winning over the audience with a well designed action packed game is an easy one. The animation is a gorgeous one with the best fair play and having clever level designs. It has to be placed in a completely new category all by itself.
  2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown: This is a thrilling game and a one of its kind as the game makers Firaxis games, have tried to keep the essence of what could be felt when it was played back in 1994 even in this time.
  3. Darksiders II: This has to be the best sequel to any game produced till date. The team at Vigil Games tried to create the same feel with the sequel with more balanced graphics and strategies. The puzzle solving requires lots of creativity.
  4. Halo 4: The best storytelling game from the entire series, this game offers a very high end graphics which gives a real life experience. This game is a delight for gamers.
  5. Mass Effect 3: No other game could explore the deep space than this thrilling game. The most exciting feature of this game is the narration which gives a feel as if someone by himself is directing a film.
  6. Journey: This has been labeled as the game changer of 2017. A lot of gaming rules which were applied to the conventional ones were rewritten with this game. This game gave the best experience of fun to first timers and even to avid gamers.
  7. Max Payne 3: This game has received a never miss position in the lifetime of an avid gamer. Every experience gives a feel of a real spy. The guerrilla strategies and the crime factions in Brazil are just awesome. The graphics of Max Payne are getting better with every series.
  8. Far Cry 3: Ubisoft Montreal showed their worth and proved that they are next to none with this game. This adventure game gives the best experience of the first person shooter in the real life jungle world. The graphics are impressive with very strategic gameplay.
  9. Borderlands 2: The characters are memorable and the dialogues are hilarious. The cartoon like graphics gives the best feel. It is a very addictive game as you have to shoot, collect weapons, and other acts. The DLC campaigns are action packed make feel fun.

This was our compilation and you can never deny the fact that it was a treat for every gamer. Give your take of the best games. Join the discussion forum by joining in.


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