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Updated Chrome for iOS 7 with New Features and Look

With the launch of the new update of the Apple smartphone operating system iOS 7 various other apps and services have undergone updates for the new iOS version. Thus a new Chrome has been launched for both iPad and iPod with a new improved full screen experience for iPad users.

With the new Chrome, it becomes more easy to switch between Chrome and your favorite Google apps. Once you sign into Chrome through your iPhone or iPad, logging into any other Google app is just a click away. You can also add or remove accounts in settings.

chrome for ios 7

Chrome links now directly open in YouTube, Google Maps, Google Drive, Gmail and Google+ apps. If you are looking for a nearby theatre, Chrome will directly open the address in the Google Maps app. Visit ‘Google apps’ under settings to select which app you would like to open from Chrome. Voice search on Google with the new Chrome has become more efficient and offers a larger array of results to suit your query. If you ask “Who is the lead actor in 3 idiots?”, followed by “Which of his movie was nominated for the Oscars?” The search result will comprise Aamir Khan’s all movies in addition to the awards they have acquired.

The new Chrome also allows a quicker return to your search result. As you hit the back option, the past results will appear instantly.

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