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Updated Privacy Settings of Facebook

There have been a new set of privacy settings which have been launched by Facebook recently for the appearance of the photos and the posts. The profiles of the people from few countries have been updated, and soon this is spreading out to all the countries. Let us have a look of some of these privacy settings.

  • Blocking: If you have not visited your Facebook profile, then by now you should. Because, once you open your profile, a pop up box would appear explaining you that your profile has been updated with the new Facebook privacy settings. It would direct you to the Official Facebook page. However, the new setting has been added keeping in mind the people who irritate others. Simply, their names or the email ids should be added in a box or the button ‘view all blocked users’ should be clicked. This will show the list of all those people who have been blocked from viewing your posts and the images.
  • Some Privacy Shortcuts: Some of the additions which are considered very helpful are the additions of the “who can see my stuff” and “who can contact me”. These should be clicked which would reveal a list of all the settings which can be double clicked to select them. If the expected settings do not appear, then the option “View more settings” should be clicked, which would definitely show the privacy setting you were expecting.
  • Checking out your looks: The privacy drop down menu has been bestowed with the new update which says “View profile As”. It is the key setting which really shows how you appear to the world. Everyone should try it at least once to surprise themselves.
  • Your Past which has been embarrassing will never appear again: The Activity log which shows the track of all the activities happening with your profile was launched a year ago by the Facebook. This has now been updated by the features of filtering and viewing by the dates, the appearance of it to the others and deletion of it if it is too embarrassing. Facebook has updated various filters. For example, if someone had tagged you on a photo and you have hidden it from your timeline. So, you think that you have been untagged, you are wrong. People can still see that image and print them. This has now been removed. You can filter the images and view them the way you prefer. Those invisible photos which were hidden from your feeds can be viewed. Even individual untagging is also not required. All the images can be untagged at once. Even you can use the option “Request and Removal” to show your friend that you want the image to be deleted. Many types of filters have been added. You can even remove your entire school life.

The complete details are available from Facebook’s official page:

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