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Upload Photos,Videos in bundles using Uploader for Facebook

It happens often that we wish to upload photos or videos in bulk, but using the main process consumes a lot of time and also the process is very slow which makes us frustrated. Thus, you may be wondering whether there is any software using which you can increase the uploading speed of photos, videos on Facebook. There is an app Uploader for Facebook. Uploader for Facebook is a very useful software available in windows using which you can upload your photos and videos on your Facebook account in bulk. This software is is a part of Freestudio.

There are other software as well for the windows using which you can upload photos in group, however, they are not useful in case if you are willing to upload videos in batch. After getting through rapid installation process, you just open the program and browse for videos you want to upload to Facebook. Thus, this software is very nice and fruitful. Working with this software is very simple. The interface of this software is neat and clean. A screenshot of its interface is shown below.

uploader for facebook

How to use this app

Using this software for uploading is very simple. At first you have to install the Freestudio in your laptop or desktop. Once, you have installed it you can search for uploader for Facebook in it. Then sign in to your Facebook account to authorize your Freestudio app. After this, all you have to do is to add files from your laptop or desktop shown in the above figure and then click on upload option.

It has a lot of other features too. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Once, you are adding the files to it, you can move the files up and down.
  • You can add title or description about each moving files directly from the user interface. This saves a lot of time.
  • If you are willing to see the uploaded files on your Facebook account you can do it simultaneously.

The speed of uploading is good here but it may depends on your internet connection. One more thing to note is initially the privacy for uploaded photo or videos is allowed to friends only. However you can change it to Public or others manually. Again, if you are trying to upload videos instead of photos using this software, the speed of uploading would be a little less as compared to that of uploading photos.

How to get this app 

This is a free application of Freestudio which is safe to run and install. You can have this software from searching inside Freestudio or can directly download this software by clicking Uploader for Facebook. Free Uploader for Facebook has no spyware or adware.

How to install it after downloading 

Once you have accessed this software using the above “How to get this app“, download to your computer. Now, during the installation process, you would be asked for checking the installation of delta toolbar on your laptop. You can uncheck this if doesn’t wish to have this toolbar in your computer. Again, while installing this software you can opt for normal installation or custom installation. If you are beginner in the field of Software, I suggest you install this using “Normal installation”.

2 thoughts on “Upload Photos,Videos in bundles using Uploader for Facebook”

  1. Raman,Just click on Uploader for Facebook link in How to get this app section and install it on your computer and the menus will be before you to upload.

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