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Use Copy Cloud Storage, File Sharing with 12 GB Space Free

These days, File sharing service is extremely popular over the internet. It is possible due to high-speed internet availability in the world. The most recognized file sharing services are Jumpshare and Dropbox. The file sharing services help users to share huge contents of files. Besides it, these services also offer to manage it remotely and back up important data. In this context, I have chosen Copy that is a new and easy to use file sharing and cloud storage service. It is present for windows, Smartphone and online web version.

copy file sharing service

How to work Copy file sharing service ?

  • The web interface of copy file service is pretty fresh and user-friendly. To start process of sharing files via the copy web interface, you have to either drag and drop or make double-click to upload and choose the target files from your computer hard drives.
  • Target files are uploaded very rapidly on Copy.
  • You can also share files without signing up any user account of Copy service.
  • After uploading files over the Copy service, it produces a unique URL which you can copy and send to the desired recipients through email or social sites.
  • To download the shared files from Copy service, user has to open URL in their web browser and click on the Download button to get it.

Please note that Copy file sharing service offers 7 GB of cloud storage by default for every platform like windows, android, iPhone. If you use Copy service with the registered account then you will get 5 GB of cloud storage benefits as well as file synchronization directly from computer or Smartphone.  In addition, there are also many paid plans available for those users who like more cloud storage space with Copy file sharing service.

Visit Copy Official Website

Download Copy app for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android

2 thoughts on “Use Copy Cloud Storage, File Sharing with 12 GB Space Free”

  1. I personally have been using for a while now and I am totally hooked! They offer much better features than most other cloud storage providers.

    For a limited time, if you use the following link to sign up for, you get additional 5GB of free online storage forever, so a total of 15 GB!

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