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Use of Keywords in a Webpage for SEO Purpose

seo for keyword
Complete Science of placing content on web and retrieval of it are based on keywords. They have been rightly described as building blocks of content linking and the search. Even search engines having their base on the web like the world famous Google, Bing and others work on concept of keywords. Keyword based indexes are used by the search engines to crawl the Internet understanding web pages. Databases are divided into smaller parts with a limited number of web pages designated with a keyword. This is to make search engines retrieve data very fast for the search queries made. So, if a web page is based on studying better, then words such as study, tips, and better should be integral part of the keywords.

Keywords dominate: Keywords are actually the link between web developers, searchers and the search engines. All connections are made based on the keywords. Let us look at a very interesting phenomenon – Whenever a searcher makes a query by entering a particular set of words in the search box, the search engines crawl the web making connections of those words with the keywords provided by the various web developers to their web pages to check its relevance. Once, the mistakes, such as spellings or pronunciations are checked, and pages are matched, they are shown according to their ranks. Titles, texts and Metadata are the places where keywords should be the most prominently used. If the keywords are specific and unique, there are less chances of getting matches and so less competition ultimately reducing search pages and bettering the ranks.

Abuse of the keywords: With the advent of Internet, there have been many people who use keywords just to misguide searchers from their search queries. For example, if an article is written on Einstein, then obviously it should contain about his life history, his achievements, his discoveries and others. With the advancement of the Internet, machine language has helped understand the web pages better with help of keywords. Therefore, use of appropriate keyword related to the context is very important. So, writing keyword as Einstein and filling it with very inappropriate content with nothing related to Einstein will never get an impact of the search engine.

Optimization of the keywords: Tactics of giving keywords to get a better rank is really very tough job and requires quite a lot of training to excel. Let us see some of the tips which can be remembered of while using keywords for SEO.

  • In little tag, keyword should be used at the least once. The keyword should be as close as possible to the little tag.
  • Keywords should be entered at least two to three times with variations. Variations can be used for just a change, but they do not usually make much an impact.
  • Keywords should also be used with images on the web page. Google shows even web page of website from where an image has been taken when the image query is made. This gives a good traffic.
  • Keywords should also be used in the URLs.

Hope, these tips help you a lot in getting better rankings. Do not forget to give your valuable comments.

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