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Ways to Recover Lost or Theft Mobiles, Tablets and Smartphones

Technology is increasing day by day and with it increasing the target of crimes as well. However, technology itself could be used to fight back against the crimes. These days you can recover your stolen mobiles, iPhone, smartphones, tablets easily. You only have to be well prepared for it. Have a picture shot through your gadgets with you and store it at a safe place. In case you have lost mobile or it is stolen, it could be easily found on the internet. All you have to do is to post the photo on a related website, and whenever an image shot by your mobile is published by anyone on his personal account, he could be easily caught. This thing is possible for your smartphones, laptops, tablets as well.

There are just two ways by which a victim of crimes could recover his stolen things. Some of the steps which one should follow to ensure no theft or gaining back if stolen are mentioned below:

Follow these Precautionary Steps First to Recover Lost or Theft Mobiles, Tablets and Smartphones

  • Capture the model and serial numbers of all the gadgets you have with yourself. This is the best way to claim on certain things as they belonged to you. In any case like during reporting about the theft, at first police will ask you these information first.
  • In case of computers, laptops, tablets always take a picture of the backside of the above mentioned things where the model as well as serial numbers are located.
  • You could also have the boxes in which you have brought your devices. It is a good practise to secure mobiles them as well for future purposes as they have the model and serial number printed on them.
  • Write down an email address or a relevant number on your phones so that those who don’t want to have your phones with them, just because they couldn’t contact you could easily trace you and return your important stuffs.
  • However, the above mentioned is not a good choice if you are giving your actual personal details. Always use some fake accounts for them to contact you otherwise your condition might get even worse. It is good practise to have to manage good Password on your device so that they could not ever crack that.

There is an open source alternative present for tracking your stolen tablets, phones, mobiles, laptops etc. This facility is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, Linux and android devices as well. Download the app in your device. It will remain hidden from your laptop or other devices which you are currently using. The app will use the device’s GPS or the nearest WiFi hotspots to determine its location.

There are tools and technology to get back to your device. The first and the most basic thing is you have to be cool and patient. At the last of this article there is a link where you could go to get back your device to yourself. The name of this website is Stolen Registrar. 

stolen registrar

How does this Stolen Registrar works

Clicking on this website, you will see three options in its homepage. They are;

  1. Check : If you found anything left on the road or in the street, it is always a good practise to find who does it really belongs to. You can check it by collecting information about serial number, plate number, VIN, IMEI or any other things of the item anywhere. You could go to the Police as well for reporting that you have found a precious item.
  2. Search and Browse : In case if you are not having any identification about the item, you could easily look for it in the database. There might be something which could help you.
  3. Report : You could report it too using your personal fb account. These days almost all people have a fb account. They could come to you if they found your missing item somewhere.

At the last of this website, you could see a group of five pages showing Wanted on each with different brand names. It helps a lot in categorizing. I hope you could find this article useful.

Go to Stolen Registrar

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