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What is Walkability application, How it will help users?

A golden era of smart phone feature has come in India. In the context, new smartphone application has launched to progress beneficiaries in locality issues and view online road status for walker. A reputed NGO organization has also involved in this mission, and its statutory part is known as Clean Air Initiative (CAI). In brief it will inform the user that the area where, he want to go, is how much walkable. If any problem, then what is it.

So, new understanding tool “Walkability Application” for the smartphone has been launched. At present time in India, only selected cities can gain advantage of it- Rajkot, Pune, Surat, Indore, Bhubaneswar, Kota and Chennai

What is Walkability Application in Smart Phone?               

Walkability application is used to measure whole report of that street, from where smart phone user is crossing. When this application is activated, user will find the report about ahead footpath corner during walk, status of locality road or street like where is open manholes, terror of unsecured persons, particular road corner where occurred maximum road accident and more.

How Works Walkability application –

When this application is installed in a smartphone, user can view latest happening issues in their locality in recent time with images. If suggestion or complaint with issues image is uploaded on social networking site, then uploaded image and data (location and date-time) will convert in database for Clean Air Initiative (CAI). Now CAI will examine of gathering data from social networking site and final report will be sent to concerned departments in India.

Till end of August 2012, Walkability application  will make online in India. for android and iPhone devices, its supported application will be launched shortly.

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