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Windows 10 1909 Causes File Explorer, Sound and Update Problems

There are not many days when Windows 10 November 2019 update version was rolled out a lot of users started reporting problems. The functional update causes File Explorer Search, Sound and update issues. Some users also complain about multiple other troubles after installing Windows 10 1909. Microsoft already updated the known issues list on 22 Nov and included the compatibility issue with AVG and Avast antivirus there. They haven’t listed the File Explorer issues in Windows 10 1909 section.

Windows 10 1909 Causes File Explorer, Sound and Update Problems

Windows 10 causes File Explorer, Sound and Update Problems and other

More users who inform Windows 10 1909 File Explorer issues encounter hanging and freezing of the app. Especially the serach box is not working or not responding to click.

A community participant person me says

Hello, I’ve tested in two different machines and confirmed that after the “feature update to windows 10 version 1909 via enablement package (KB4517245)” it’s no longer possible to copy-paste to the search box present in folders (upper right corner) using the mouse, the right click is completely disabled.

Another user Byron Kleingeld also tells that File explorer search is unusable and unclickable. After using taskkill to and again starting the app the box works but this is misaligned. Finally, he decided to roll back Windows 10 1909 to 1903. Distorted size is also experienced.

Sound is not working on Windows 10 1909 is another topic on which users are buzzing about. One user expresses his pain that he can’t Play test sound. Furthermore, apps or browsers are not providing any noise in Windows 10 November 2019 update.

The version, just after the release encountered various update issues such as 0x800f0988, 0x800f081f, 0xc1900223, 0x80070002. You can see the article Fix: Windows 10 November 2019 Update Bugs and Issues [1909] in this regard.

Addition to these problems, Sart menu broken has also put the users into trouble. Some have reported after installing KB4517245 the file explorer abnormal behavior started.

Apart from Windows 10 1909 Causes File Explorer, Sound and Update Problems, Some other posts on the version –

1] Fix: Error 0x80073701 in KB4524570 for Windows 10 1909
2] Windows 10 November 2019 Update Features and Improvements [1909]
3] KB4522355 for Windows 10 1909 Build 18363.449 Update

That’s all!!!

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